Project Title:
Game One
Aloha! Some friends and I have been putting together a demo in our free time. The concept is for a co-op sci-fi FPS; think of objective-based maps, like Payday 2, but with gameplay that feels a bit more like Gears of War’s Horde Mode meeting Titanfall’s movement system, with a bevy of distinct, interesting weapons, and some additional unique mechanics to top it all off.
Here’s a quick taste of some of the movement stuff we’ve been working on:
As you can see, we’ve got a lot done on the programming front (it’s about 70% complete, the movement mechanics are intact, rudimentary AI is in-game, and networking is mostly functional) and we’re in the process of building the map right now. Our demo is basically a vertical slice that we’re planning on presenting to some publishers we have connections with, and if that fails, we’ll be taking to Kickstarter.
The full game is intended to have dozens of great guns and cool enemies, at least ten distinct maps on launch, and one Destiny-like Raid, with more content to follow in frequent updates.
Demo Includes:
- 1 map
- 1 player character
- 4 enemy types
- Some feature #3
Team Name:
We haven’t registered our company yet.
Team Structure**:**
Project Manager/Design/Level Design: Doc Burford
Programmer/Blueprint: Cameron Ceschini, Jacob Valek
Design/Level Design/Blueprint: Kevin Speer
Sound: Marc Straight
3D Art: Bruce Duthays, David Sahlin
Concept Artists: Philip Bastien, John Amor
Previous Work:
This is our team’s first project together. Individually, some of us have industry experience; Doc is a consultant on AAA games, Kevin has worked in mobile game development, and so on.
Talent Required:
- 3D animator for guns and monsters.
- A programmer with Blueprint experience, C++ or any text-based programming experience a plus. Our biggest tasks are for the enemy AI and gun implementation.
- Ability to join us on voice meetings, once a week.
- Willingness to use the team’s Slack for communication.
- Ability to work with us to get the demo done by the end of December.
E-mail: horizonheavy (at)
Twitter: g1dev
If we work well together, IF the pitch is accepted and funded, and IF you want to stick with us, this position may turn into a paid gig. That’s a lot of IFs, of course, but we’d certainly like to turn this into a paying gig as soon as we’re able. Until then, it’s a hobby/portfolio project.
Here’s some more art stuff we have: