Game mode option not working

Game mode option not working not loading the gamemode ( i called the level on UI)

Main Menu game mode
- human game mode (different controller)
- cat game mode (different controller)



Hey @dalikdik

can you try




its working now my issue how to change the player controller class once mode is loaded?

i have two different controller class

You usually assign your PlayerController to the GameMode before using it. Open the GameMode blueprint and assign your PlayerController.

So, 1 GameMode = 1 PlayerController. There is a function in C++ but I don’t know if this method is recommended.

What do you want to do?

i did assign but the issue is the 2nd doesnt work there is no controll


Show a picture of the GameMode like this:

hi this is my settings i have three game modes

1st - main menu
2nd - Cat character
3rd - Human character

So, you have the standard PlayerController for your Cat. Are the controls in the Cat pawn?

yes standard controller for cat, yes its in cat pawn.

by the way where can i see the the playerController (standard) not able to locate it

So the Cat gets spawned but you can’t control it? Do your Inputs work inside the Pawn? Use PrintStrings to check if your inputs work. Maybe your Pawn is stuck after the spawn.

You can’t see the default PlayerController like a blueprint. It is a C++ Class, you can either search for it in the ContentBrowser or go to /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/PlayerController.h


the controls works if i load directly the map of the cat using cat mode, but if i load it from the top with main menu, the controls are gone

Did you try to add PrintString?
Are you using any Event/Function on EventBeginPlay?