Hello there when i make my game the editor looks fine the graphics the aa and everything looks ok but when i hit play the aa is crappy everything just looks bad here are some screen shots if you co
uld help that would be cool thanks
Hello there when i make my game the editor looks fine the graphics the aa and everything looks ok but when i hit play the aa is crappy everything just looks bad here are some screen shots if you co
uld help that would be cool thanks
During gameplay you can set the scalability settings through the console:
sg.PostProcessQuality 4 (sets max quality on all post process)
r.PostProcessAAQuality 6 (sets the anti aliasing to maxquality.)
I’ve not found a great way to set these as defaults but I have not looked around much recently to see if it is possible.
i haven’t tested this, but i think it should allow you to set those console commands as defaults in a text file.
below it, type
i usually use this to cap the default frame rate, with t.MaxFPS=30, but i imagine it should work with other console commands as well.
Yeah, this location has changed quite a few times throughout UE4 history and i had no clue where the final resting place was :P. Will test this out later for future reference.