So I am working on an old school style tower defense game (think warcraft 3) which I intend to flesh out as a marketplace asset or a full game with mod capability.
All of the maps need to allow for multiplayer, so enemy waves, tower placement, waypoints etc etc all need to relate to the individual player so that its in the correct location and keeps score correctly.
My question is based around where people think the majority of this should actually live within blueprints. If it was single player only I would potentially put all of it in the game mode, but since this is server side it isn’t usable in this way.
For the moment I am running most of the logic within the player controller blueprint, since I was using this for mouse control and spawning towers etc I ended up just putting the rest of the functionality in here too.
Would using the Game Instance be a better spot for the majority of this functionality and I would just have to setup the Player ID (which I create through the gamemode when they join) for all of the variables etc or is the player controller a decent spot to keep this type of thing?
At the moment it all works fine, I am just looking at tidying things up to keep with convention before I put it up on the marketplace or sell the game.