Game Jam Kick Off, Video Room Under Construction - Mar. 19, 2015 @ 2PM ET

It’s gonna be a low production, short Twitch this week, as the video room will be under construction for some nice new additions for upcoming streams and our equipment will be taking a well deserved nap.

FRET NOT HOWEVER! I’ll be kicking the stream live from a laptop in order to announce the theme for the March #ue4jam, marking the start of the event!

Thursday, Mar. 19th @ 2PM ET - Countdown]



  • Community Manager - ]()

Yeah, like flying drone disguised as UFO from content examples flying across the office and recording everything!

Epic actually have camera robots you can control over the Internet and drive around the office, true story!

Oh great but now we will have to live with knowing this and wait. At me gray hair

That’s actually completely true. They’re called Doubles or something like that. One time, head on a stick almost ran me over.

It’s to facilitate communication between people in different offices :slight_smile:

omg that vid was great, haha

Link is broked.