Game Instance inaccessable on Standalone Game

Hey, I’ve got an event in my Game Instance being called from the Player Controller on Begin Play through a read-only interface blueprint. Everything works fine when the game is run in the ue window, however on standalone gameplay, the event (and all events) are inaccessable. I’m unsure where this problem is occurring… any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I see some stuff about custom game instances not carrying over into various play modes.

The two solutions I’ve seen so far are:

  1. Change back to the default game instance, and then re-edit your custom game instance into the project settings.

  2. Actually take a look in DefaultEngine.ini and check your custom instance is in fact in there ( which is all the project settings tab does ).

I did try both of these… unfortunately had no success, I’m now guessing it has something to do with the blueprint interface. Thanks for the help though

Did you find a solution ? I updated my project from UE 5.1.1 to 5.2.1 and this issue appeared. I checked all .ini files, made sure the right game instance was set, but no improvements. It’s strange cause if I try to cast to my game instance from the controller and print the name as a string after the cast, it works ! But no matter what, If I call an event or use a blueprint interface : no answer. I even tried to call it from the level blueprint without success.
If I try to open a map from the console : crash
It works in PIE, in the exported game but not in standalone mode :exploding_head:

I’ll post any update.

any updates, same issue upgrade from 5.1 to 5.2…

I fixed it, It looks like the node: “Automation Wait for Loading” causes everything to stop working. Worked fine in 5.1, in 5.2 it was causing the hangup.

Hey wasup, how do you fix that node? What did you do to get around the hangup? Sorry but I have hit the same wall and its driving me crazy

EDIT: Sorry I see its a node in Unreal, we don’t use it but have the same issue