My game works perfectly in editor and I’m packaging it to give to some of my friend because it has a multiplayer functionality and I would like to try it in different computers.
All done with blueprints. This is the log generated of the game after I played it.
[Packaged game log][1]
If you’re needing any info just ask and I’ll respond as soon as possible. Thanks!
99716-multiplayer4.log (34.4 KB)
So… what exacly is happening? logs look ok for me, it’s your PIE log right? give log from there it does not work, but before that explain how does it not working
Can you please explain further what’s going on? We need to see the logs from the server as well, if you’re running into a server issue.
Sorry for the late reply but the thing not working is in the Editor the Spawn Actor from Class is properly working, I’ve able to possess the spawned actor without issues while in the packaged game yes it spawns and I’ve able to possess it too but it is stuck on place on where it is spawned.
Where can I get the server logs? Sorry I have no idea where it can be located.
Do you see any logs located in Engine\Programs\CrashReportClient\Saved\Logs or Unreal Projects\ProjectName\Saved\Logs? If so, could you upload those, and I’ll see if any errors occur.
If you have complete reproduction steps, that would be extremely helpful as I am having a bit of trouble fully understanding.
- Are you having trouble connecting another computer to the server in multiplayer?
- Or are you having trouble with a the actor being spawned in a location and not being able to move?
[Dedicated Server Guide (Windows and Linux)][1]
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Sorry if I can’t make my problem quite clear enough but my problem is somehow the second one you mentioned although I’m able to move and rotate and such but I’m like stuck in place like something is holding my character in place, I made the spawn location 500 units above the ground and my character is stuck there. Here is the log I found.
[Editor log.][1]
[Packaged game log.][2]
If it’s still not clear I will make a video for you to show my problem.
100604-multiplayer4.log (35.2 KB)
[2]: 100605-multiplayer4.log (34.6 KB)
I understand what you mean, when you say that your character is stuck in place. We need to figure out why that’s occurring.
- Was there a specific template that you started out with?
- Does this only occur in the template after you’ve modified it, or can you replicate it?
- If so, could you set up an example in a test project so I can see how your character is set up? It’s possible that something is set up incorrectly.
Thank you!
1.) I started with a blank project.
2.) Just tried to replicate it no luck but I will still try.
My setup looks something like this.
Thanks for providing me with a sample project. I have tested this project multiple times, even changed the gamemode and the way it was packaged. It’s functioning correctly each time I try.
It’s possible that it’s one setting in your original project that’s causing the issue you’re running in to. But it could also be your project in general. Did you convert this project from an older engine build? Have you tried deleting your Intermediate and Saved folder from your project, and then repackaging? It’s possible a simple refresh is all your project needs.
Let me know what you’ve tried, or if you’ve gotten 100% repro steps.
I’m still trying to fix it and found something unusual, in my editor when I type show collision in the console I can see the capsule collision of the character while in the packaged game I can only see the collision of the mesh any idea to that?
Packaged Game Collision:
Editor Collision:
or is it an acceptable event in ue4?
Thanks for noticing this issue, I have verified that there is an issue and have entered UE-34105.