Game freezes with GPU AT 1%

Hello my packaged project crashes at low percentages usage from my GPU
Gonna annex some photos , apologies for the bad quality and the log

What I am missing? Is my GPU dying?

The prohect is capped to 60 fps and I am using the engine version 5.2.1

OlympianWars.log (111.1 KB)

Seems the gpu might be going to sleep or power saving mode
Check that windows power plan is set to performance.

at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Submission.cpp:939 

You can also try some fixes mentioned here

This is how everything is set up right now

Gonna try the link solutions
Everything balanced or optimal , it should not be a problem right?

So I did some tests and notice Temporal Super Restoration was consuming a bunch if resources changed that inside of the project settings in the “Anti-Aliasing Method” to FXAA and everything is working so far

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