Game Feature: GameplayCue not working when packaging


I’m using a GameFeature and for some reason my GameplayCues are not playing when the game is packaged, but it works fine in Editor.

My GameplayTags are registered through NativeTags in my module source/header file and the GameplayCues are added inside abilities

I also added the CUE folder path in my DefaultGame.ini

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I found the culprit: You need to tell UE to always cook that folder when packaging

In DefaultGame.ini:


Great to know it worked for you.

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any custom gameplay cue folders that I registered as +directoriestoalwayscook and +gameplaycuenotifypaths says the folder was not mounted while packaging the exe… any suggestions as I am just trying to use the “Weapons” and “GamePlayCues” folder inside of my own created plugin rather than draggin them into alreayd approved folders… it seems like it should be easy to add the folders like SHooterCore content has but I just cant find anything on the topic.

Are you adding an action “Add Gameplay Cue Path” to your game feature plugin?


In your AssetManager Run this code