Hello everyone, So recently me and a team of friends tried to make a game for school and it went well all things considered, however we ran into a pretty big problem upon the game being built.
We have a walking simulator where you pickup items like audio logs and text documents that are connected in a “artifact menu” where you can view each artifact. However, upon picking up an artifact (of any type) there is a random point in time where if you try to open up the menu after that to view them, the game will crash with the message “Fatal Error!”. We have tried to diagnose the issue as either calling a reference to an editor only asset, or something related.
For a little bit more information, our artifacts are built from data assets in engine that we have assigned to custom classes we built in C++, and the widget for the menu is built in pretty much exclusively blueprint. I attached a couple screen shots of the menu blueprint where I believe something may be happening, but any input would be greatly appreciated because we genuinely have no idea how to even go about fixing this issue.