I am using the Vehicle game template (the dirt buggy one) in UE4 and want to be able to end the game after the player has crossed the finish line 3 times. Would anyone know how to do that? There are checkpoints set up as well as a ‘Finish Line’ the triggers the start of a new lap.
without knowing alot about racing games i can think of a few solutions. first you could have a overlap event with the finish line when everytime you overlap it a variable gets incremented then when the variable gets to 3 trigger a end game event. alternatively you could do something similar with the checkpoints to reduce cheating. every time a checkpoint is passed increment a variable so if there was 10 checkpoints the player would need to pass 30 to finish the race.
Hey, I’m new to Unreal Engine and having the same problem with you but I couldn’t find a solution on yt and couldn’t apply the solution they mentioned above. Do you mind sending me a screenshot of it?