Hi, I was trying to pack my game, but it was giving me a erro on automationtoll, “cannot open a folder, it is unreadable or corruptes”. I could figure out which folder was, \Saved\Cooked\WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Content\EditorMeshes.
I cant solve this, so I create a new project and copy all my content files to this new project.
So I could compile the game, but when I try to play the games crash. And then I go see on log why it happens, and realise that was because of a plugin. And I go on plguins folder after compile, and it dont was there. But I alredy comiple the game other times, with same plguins and it work well. With no problem.
I saw that are alot plugins missing on folder, even the ones that come with UE.
Maybe this can be happen because I unistall some requeriments ? Or it is something else ?
Sorry about the bad english.
Hello issomsm,
Could you provide the log files / crash call stack information for your project? I’ll need to see this information to determine what is wrong. The logs can be found in the project’s directory under Saved/Logs and the call stack can be found in the Crash Reporter window that appears when the project crashes.
Crash Reporter: You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.
link text
Ah, this is because you don’t have the debugging symbols installed. Instead of giving me the callstack due to that, can you please give me the Machine ID listed in the Crash Reporter window and be sure to submit any crashes you get? This way I can look up the crash in our database and see the callstack.
Thank you for the Machine ID. From looking at your previous crashes, it looks like there are two different types here. The earlier ones were around 7 PM EST on 2/26/2017. Those were caused by having a lack of hard drive space and should be able to be fixed by freeing up some hard drive space.
The others were later that night through one earlier today and from launching the game. Those seem to be related to attempting to load an asset. If you believe this is from a missing plugin, please check to ensure that these plugins aren’t still enabled by right-clicking your .uproject file, selecting to edit it in a Text editor and then checking for any plugins listed there. If they are listed, you can change them to disabled there.
I solve this early today.
Since my first project dont was working, because dont was able to read a folder while trying to compile(“EditorMesh”), I reinstall all plugins and make a scan on my HD. And this solve my problem now i’m able to compile with no problem on plugins.
Thanks for the help.