Game doesn't seem to launch if ue4 isn't installed

I released a game sometime ago. A few people told me there were problems launching the game. All the people telling me didn’t have ue4 installed. I seems that the game won’t launch unless the whole engine is installed, because it works fine for people who do have it. I don’t know why this is, and I can’t find anything online as to what the problem could be. Here’s the site to download it, but If you already have ue4 then it should launch fine.

Please describe problem they having, what is happening when they try, because i can only guess this way.

Describe how you packaged the game, did you made shipping build?

UE4 and there for games made in it requires some newer C++ runtimes installed which installs with the engine, do use reporting the problems had updated C++ runtime?

I have a screenshot of what one person said, but one other message I get after a packaged build is unzipped, it says the “game has crashed and will close”, but I don’t know if that helps


What are your packaging options? Did you check the “include prerequisites installer” option?

“include prerequisites installer” is true.
but I didn’t have “include app-local prerequisites” and I checked it true after reading your comment

here’s screenshots

I figured it out. Turns out packaging 32bit doesn’t properly install prerequisites for 32 and puts out for 64bit witch is incompatible. Hence why it won’t launch.