Hi everyone, my name is Matthew Williams, currently living in Staffordshire and I am looking for any job with Unreal Engine with Design/Blueprint/UMG roles.
I have recently graduated uni this year with a Masters Degree of Engineering in Computer Games Design and Programming from Stafford university, just voted number 1 in Britain for this type of course.
I have been focusing on and feel very confident in doing:
- Blueprint
- Level Design
- Level Mechanics
- Game Mechanics
- 2D/3D Art (Little)
- AI & Behabiour Trees
- Replication + Basic Networking
- Audio Implementation
- Animation Blueprints & Implementation
Due to becoming a father very soon, I am currently looking for a job with only about an hour commute, however after about 9-12 months I will be looking further a field and move closer to the work place
Below is a link to my portfolio to show all the project I’ve worked on or made during my 4 years at uni, plus in my own time, focusing on design, mechanics and UMG. Plus my youtube channel with current videos of projects done and them in the engine.
Portfolio - www.mattwilliamsgamesdev.com
YouTube - matthew williams - YouTube
Email - matthewwilliams@ntlworld.com
Facebook - matthew ‘chives’ williams
Skype - matthew.h.williams123
Thank You