Game Crashes Outside Editor

Hello! I’ve successfully packaged my game, but it crashes after a minute or so. I’ve been going at it all day, but to no avail. I have a hunch what it could be as I think it has to do with my AI controller. I have an NPC that works around in a game with a camera on its head, it’s a zero player game. When I run the game with the standard AI controller it doesn’t crash, but when I load the NPC with my AI controller (incl. behavior tree, and sub trees) it crashes. The error doesn’t refer to something useful i.e. the AIModule missing as in this post: Game crashes when using AI in Level instance

The error i get is the same but with no reference:

[2024.04.01-16.35.20:396][552]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 45.739216
[2024.04.01-16.35.22:415][651]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 43.721073
[2024.04.01-16.35.24:423][749]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 41.71109
[2024.04.01-16.35.26:430][847]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 39.706741
[2024.04.01-16.35.27:136][881]LogStreaming: Display: 0.054 ms for processing 958 objects in RemoveUnreachableObjects(Queued=0, Async=0). Removed 106 (834->728) packages and 160 (1207->1047) public exports.
[2024.04.01-16.35.27:153][882]LogOutputDevice: Warning:

Script Stack (0 frames) :

[2024.04.01-16.35.27:195][882]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: !ErrorDetected || GIsAutomationTesting [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\MTAccessDetector.h] [Line: 94]
Acquiring a write access while there are ongoing read or write access

The error seems to occur when UE removes objects as I’m using Level streaming.

On a succesful run you can see it passes that stage successfully:

[2024.04.01-16.15.55:899][632]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 45.764008
[2024.04.01-16.15.57:906][731]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 43.755787
[2024.04.01-16.15.59:912][830]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 41.749542
[2024.04.01-16.16.01:930][929]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 39.730949
[2024.04.01-16.16.02:664][965]LogStreaming: Display: 0.035 ms for processing 951 objects in RemoveUnreachableObjects(Queued=0, Async=0). Removed 106 (834->728) packages and 160 (1207->1047) public exports.
[2024.04.01-16.16.03:944][ 28]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 37.717983
[2024.04.01-16.16.05:946][126]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 35.717403
[2024.04.01-16.16.07:957][225]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 33.705078
[2024.04.01-16.16.09:963][324]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 31.698063
[2024.04.01-16.16.11:977][423]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 29.685175
[2024.04.01-16.16.13:985][522]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AI_MarkovNPC_C_UAID_00D86130FCDE08E801_1559320562] 27.677343

Could it be that it is deleting my AIController since it could be out of range and that that causes the crash? Any Help in the right direction is very much appreciated.


Just to be certain, because, clearly, “AI_MarkovNPC” is the issue:

Try disabling this character’s Blueprint or disabling any logic that would call the AI Controller’s usage.

If you still get the error, it’s not the controller.

AIMarkovNPC is printing the health value. I’ve went through all the steps of replacing and disabling Characters and controllers. When disabled it doesn’t crash, but of course the logic doesn’t function. It even roams around with a simple IA Move to, but when I implement perception logic it crashes.

I forgot to mention that I was packaging in Development, now when packaged in shipping it doesn’t crash anymore, but not very confident it is stable.

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