I’m in the process of making my first game (not too experienced, not too new) and it keeps crashing in the same exact spot every time, both in editor & packaged game.
The game used to get passed this point without crashing and doesn’t seem to have anything strange in the level BP.
The log has a “Script call stack” warning & a few “Accessed None” warnings.
I’m hoping the answer might be really obvious to someone with more experience but any help is appreciated.
Update: It’s a static mesh blueprint not liking a spawn in a particular spot. It does spawn… but crashes immediately after almost every time. I wish the crashing was completely consistent so I could easily isolate the issue, but it’s not.
There’s a BP getting destroyed and a new one spawning. There’s also two particle effects. It doesn’t make sense to me because it works at least a dozen other times in the script.
It’s triggered by some action (not by location, just didn’t describe it right) in the string I think so I’ll try removing the piece by piece. Hopefully that’ll isolate it. I’ll post back with progress, thanks!
Try removing all actions at that spot and walk to it again, if it doesnt crash its an error with the particles or the actor destroying/spawning. If it does crash try removing the floor and replace it
Could not isolate the issue using blueprints. It now crashes only sometimes, but in the same spot. My blueprint has a lot of sound cues, spawn emitters with auto destroy, destroying and spawning blueprints… There’s also a few dozen variables but nothing too intense. Can’t think of anything else that might help solve the issue
Is it possible I am overloading the graphics at this point? Would that crash it? Maybe there’s some other log I can look at for errors.
Perhaps too much temporary information and this one string sets it off? I only half know what I’m talking about
I’ve isolated it to a static mesh. For some reason, this particular static mesh crashes the game. Deleting it prevents the crash. It doesn’t make sense because it wasn’t always like this and once worked. The mesh isn’t too large either (156kb). Maybe there’s some geometries throwing it off but there’s a nearly identical mesh elsewhere in the level that works fine.
It worked a few times then crashed again. I’m beginning to think that I’m overloading the graphics…
Second Update:
After optimizing, purging, and bringing it into the latest version, it still crashes in the same spot.
Could something be corrupted? Is it possible for BP script to be corrupted? Any other ideas?
Third update:
I’ve finally made progress. After a ridiculous amount of testing, I’ve narrowed it down to one issue. For some reason, the engine doesn’t like things spawning in a particular spot on the level. It doesn’t crash every time anymore but it’s either from a blueprint mesh or an emitter that both spawn at the same time in this location.
In the process of finding out which of these two it is…
Fourth Update:
It’s a static mesh blueprint not liking a spawn in a particular spot. It does spawn… but crashes after.