I have an issue with converting my custom Pawn to blueprint. I have a custom Pawn which has root Sphere, Static Mesh, Pawn Movement and Spline components (the latter is for the purpose of pathfollowing). It also has a behaviour tree.
When I place this custom Pawn to the world in editor from the c++ classes tab it works fine and does all what it should (navigates to random locations). However if I covert it to blueprint and launch the game it either does not find navigation goal (if I hit “Play”) or crashes the editor (if I hit “Simulate”)
If I debug this, it stops at the line
ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("Template Mismatch during attachment. Attaching instanced component to template component. Parent '%s' Self '%s'"), *Parent->GetName(), *GetName());
I use CreateDefaultSubobject function in the Pawn constructor for all components excepting BehaviorTree which I select in the editor.
Could you advice me something or point at the relevant direction? Thanks in advance.