Game cannot run in native resolution when launched through Steam while desktop scaling > 100%. Fixed for my own install, but how can I fix this for everyone?

Hey guys, I’ve had this problem with both of the games that I’ve released on Steam. Earlier today I figured out how to fix it.

If you launch your game through Steam, while Windows desktop scaling is over 100%, then you can’t use your monitor’s native resolution. So if you have a 4k monitor, and your desktop scaling is set to 150%, and you launch your game through Steam, the maximum resolution is 1440. I’m trying to find out how to stop that and use the full resolution of the monitor.

You can, if you follow the instructions at Reddit - Dive into anything. I did that and both of my games now run at full resolution when launched through Steam. But I can’t expect all of my players to do that.

Do your games have this problem? Do any other games in your library have this problem? Is this something that Steam could fix if they changed how the launcher works? Is this something I could fix if I knew what I was doing?


I solved this. You have to download mt.exe, which is in the Windows SDK. Then you make a manifest. You can just copy/paste the example from Setting the default DPI awareness for a process (Windows) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn. And then you run mt.exe to apply that manifest to your executable, and it will run in native resolution regardless of desktop scaling.


So it actually modifies the executable? Won’t that void the signing on the executable as well?


Great!!! Thank you for good information.


I don’t know. I’ve done this to the 32- and 64-bit executables for both Himeko Sutori and Septaroad Voyager, and no one has said anything about it. I’ve downloaded and played my games on another computer I have here and I didn’t get any alerts or anything.

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Hmmm. When i tested altering the executable to update the favIcon, it then gave me an “Unknown publisher” when i ran it on another computer (where you have to click “accept”).


I have an alternative solution. I struck in to this issue myself and couldn’t get the it working by applying the manifest as suggested. Instead I found that Project Settings has a bool called Allow High DPI in Game Mode

Goes in to WindowsEngine.ini. Edit: My bad, it’s added to DefaultEngine.ini



(post deleted by author)

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Wow~ You are great too.

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WindowsEngine.ini? This seems to be for Unreal Engine 4+ rather than UDK.

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You’re right, my bad. I corrected my reply