Hello. I’ve tested this with a new project in unreal. When I tick the STEAM advanced sessions plugin and build it crashes.
I think i have the sdk installed because when i build my game with out steam advanced sessions or steam core it works just fine (regular advanced sessions are fine) and I can see the steam overlay. (unless thats just because im running the game through steam).
Really trying to figure out network connecting via the internet session browser.
Here is error on crash of built project :
Log file open, 05/19/24 17:49:27
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘aqProf.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘aqProf.dll’ does not exist
LogProfilingDebugging: Loading WinPixEventRuntime.dll for PIX profiling (from …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Windows/WinPixEventRuntime/x64).
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘VtuneApi.dll’ does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘VtuneApi32e.dll’ does not exist
LogWindows: Custom abort handler registered for crash reporting.
LogCore: Display: UTS: The Unreal Trace Server binary is not available (‘…/…/…/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealTraceServer.exe’)
LogTrace: Initializing trace…
LogTrace: Finished trace initialization.
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : platform=“Windows”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : config=“Development”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : buildversion=“++UE5+Release-5.4-CL-33305029”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : engineversion=“5.4.1-33305029+++UE5+Release-5.4”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : os="Windows 10 (22H2) [10.0.19045.4291] "
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : cpu=“GenuineIntel|Intel(R) Core™ i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : pgoenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : pgoprofilingenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : ltoenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : asan=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : commandline=“” ElementiArena""
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : loginid=“05fd68c94c3076b1fdf5e4a07a87971e”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : llm=“0”
LogPakFile: Initializing PakPlatformFile
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Reading toc: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/global.utoc
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Toc signature hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Mounting container ‘…/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/global.utoc’ in location slot 0
LogPakFile: Display: Initialized I/O dispatcher file backend. Mounted the global container: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/global.utoc
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.pak.
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Reading toc: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.utoc
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Toc signature hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
LogIoDispatcher: Display: Mounting container ‘…/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.utoc’ in location slot 0
LogPakFile: Display: Mounted IoStore container “…/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.utoc”
LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file ‘…/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/Paks/ElementiArena-Windows.pak’, mount point: ‘…/…/…/’
LogStats: Stats thread started at 0.143608
LogAssetRegistry: Premade AssetRegistry loaded from ‘…/…/…/ElementiArena/AssetRegistry.bin’
LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -5:00, Platform Override: ‘’
LogInit: Session CrashGUID >====================================================
Session CrashGUID > UECC-Windows-A001DC964B316E6110AB9A9AF0477EC6*
Session CrashGUID >====================================================*
LogConfig: No local boot hotfix file found at: […/…/…/ElementiArena/Saved/PersistentDownloadDir/HotfixForNextBoot.txt]
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Paper2D
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AISupport
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EnvironmentQueryEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ACLPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AnimationData
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ControlRigModules
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ControlRigSpline
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ControlRig
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin IKRig
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Bridge
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin CameraShakePreviewer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GameplayCameras
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosCloth
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosVD
LogPluginManager: Found config from plugin[ChaosVD] Engine
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OodleNetwork
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AnimationSharing
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin DumpGPUServices
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin PixWinPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin PluginUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin RenderDocPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin UObjectPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AssetManagerEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AssetReferenceRestrictions
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin BlueprintHeaderView
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin DataValidation
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EditorScriptingUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin FacialAnimation
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GameplayTagsEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GeometryMode
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin LightMixer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ObjectMixer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SequencerAnimTools
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SpeedTreeImporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin UVEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EnhancedInput
LogPluginManager: Found config from plugin[EnhancedInput] Input
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin DatasmithContent
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GLTFExporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin VariantManagerContent
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin VariantManager
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AbilitySystemGameFeatureActions
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SkeletalMeshModelingTools
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AutomationUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin BackChannel
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosCaching
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosClothEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosNiagara
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosSolverPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChaosUserDataPT
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin CharacterAI
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Dataflow
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Fracture
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin FullBodyIK
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GeometryCollectionPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin LocalizableMessage
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MetaHumanProjectUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OpenImageDenoise
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin PlatformCrypto
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin PythonScriptPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin StructUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ToolPresets
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin NiagaraSimCaching
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Niagara
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AlembicImporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin InterchangeEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Interchange
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SteamCorePro
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AvfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ImgMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MediaCompositing
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MediaPlate
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WebMMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WmfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MeshPainting
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin TcpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin UdpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ActorSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin LevelSequenceEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SequencerScripting
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin TemplateSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EOSOverlayInputProvider
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EOSShared
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineBase
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineFramework
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineServicesNull
LogPluginManager: Found config from plugin[OnlineServicesNull] Engine
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineServicesOSSAdapter
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineServices
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin OnlineSubsystem
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin EOSVoiceChat
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin LauncherChunkInstaller
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ActorLayerUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ApexDestruction
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AppleImageUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ArchVisCharacter
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AssetTags
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AudioCapture
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AudioSynesthesia
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin AudioWidgets
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin CableComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ChunkDownloader
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin CustomMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin DataRegistry
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ExampleDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GameFeatures
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GameplayAbilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GeometryCache
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin GeometryProcessing
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin InputDebugging
LogPluginManager: Found config from plugin[InputDebugging] Input
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin LocationServicesBPLibrary
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Metasound
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MobilePatchingUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ModularGameplay
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin MsQuic
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin PropertyAccessEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin ResonanceAudio
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin RigVM
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SignificanceManager
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin SoundFields
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Synthesis
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WaveTable
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WebMMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WindowsDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin XInputDevice
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin InterchangeTests
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin TraceUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin Takes
LogPluginManager: Mounting Engine plugin WorldMetrics
LogHAL: Log category Online verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category OnlineSession verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category OnlineGame verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category LogSteamCorePro verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category LogSteamCoreSockets verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category LogSteamCoreShared verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogHAL: Log category LogOnlineSubsystemSteamCore verbosity has been raised to Verbose.
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘WinPixGpuCapturer.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘WinPixGpuCapturer.dll’ does not exist
PixWinPlugin: PIX capture plugin failed to initialize! Check that the process is launched from PIX.
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/RenderDocPlugin.RenderDocPluginSettings] File [Engine]
RenderDocPlugin: Display: RenderDoc plugin will not be loaded. Use ‘-AttachRenderDoc’ on the cmd line or enable ‘renderdoc.AutoAttach’ in the plugin settings.
LogEOSSDK: Initializing EOSSDK Version:1.16.3-32303053
LogInit: Using libcurl 8.4.0
LogInit: - built for Windows
LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1t
LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.3
LogInit: - other features:
LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default
LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536
LogInit: CreateHttpThread using FCurlHttpThread
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: LoadSubsystemModule([RedpointEOS]) failed
LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
LogOnline: OSS: Created online subsystem instance for: NULL
LogOnline: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: Loaded subsystem for type [NULL]
LogInit: ExecutableName: ElementiArena.exe
LogInit: Build: ++UE5+Release-5.4-CL-33305029
LogInit: Platform=Windows
LogInit: MachineId=05fd68c94c3076b1fdf5e4a07a87971e
LogInit: DeviceId=
LogInit: Engine Version: 5.4.1-33305029+++UE5+Release-5.4
LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.4.0-33043543+++UE5+Release-5.4
LogInit: Net CL: 33043543
LogInit: OS: Windows 10 (22H2) [10.0.19045.4291] (), CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Apr 30 2024 04:14:58
LogInit: Architecture: x64
LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.38.33130.00
LogInit: Build Configuration: Development
LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE5+Release-5.4
*LogInit: Command Line: *
LogInit: Base Directory: G:/Unreal Projects/HalfLoafStudios/MasterSwordContinum/Saved/StagedBuilds/Windows/ElementiArena/Binaries/Win64/
LogInit: Allocator: binned2
LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 0
LogInit: This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no
LogDevObjectVersion: Number of dev versions registered: 39
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Blueprints (B0D832E4-1F89-4F0D-ACCF-7EB736FD4AA2): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Build (E1C64328-A22C-4D53-A36C-8E866417BD8C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Core (375EC13C-06E4-48FB-B500-84F0262A717E): 4
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Editor (E4B068ED-F494-42E9-A231-DA0B2E46BB41): 40
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Framework (CFFC743F-43B0-4480-9391-14DF171D2073): 37
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Mobile (B02B49B5-BB20-44E9-A304-32B752E40360): 3
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Networking (A4E4105C-59A1-49B5-A7C5-40C4547EDFEE): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Online (39C831C9-5AE6-47DC-9A44-9C173E1C8E7C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics (78F01B33-EBEA-4F98-B9B4-84EACCB95AA2): 20
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Platform (6631380F-2D4D-43E0-8009-CF276956A95A): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Rendering (12F88B9F-8875-4AFC-A67C-D90C383ABD29): 48
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Sequencer (7B5AE74C-D270-4C10-A958-57980B212A5A): 13
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-VR (D7296918-1DD6-4BDD-9DE2-64A83CC13884): 3
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-LoadTimes (C2A15278-BFE7-4AFE-6C17-90FF531DF755): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Private-Geometry (6EACA3D4-40EC-4CC1-B786-8BED09428FC5): 3
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-AnimPhys (29E575DD-E0A3-4627-9D10-D276232CDCEA): 17
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Anim (AF43A65D-7FD3-4947-9873-3E8ED9C1BB05): 15
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-ReflectionCapture (6B266CEC-1EC7-4B8F-A30B-E4D90942FC07): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Automation (0DF73D61-A23F-47EA-B727-89E90C41499A): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteMain (601D1886-AC64-4F84-AA16-D3DE0DEAC7D6): 134
LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteValkyrie (8DBC2C5B-54A7-43E0-A768-FCBB7DA29060): 8
LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteSeason (5B4C06B7-2463-4AF8-805B-BF70CDF5D0DD): 12
LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteRelease (E7086368-6B23-4C58-8439-1B7016265E91): 13
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Enterprise (9DFFBCD6-494F-0158-E221-12823C92A888): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Niagara (F2AED0AC-9AFE-416F-8664-AA7FFA26D6FC): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Destruction (174F1F0B-B4C6-45A5-B13F-2EE8D0FB917D): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics-Ext (35F94A83-E258-406C-A318-09F59610247C): 41
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-PhysicsMaterial-Chaos (B68FC16E-8B1B-42E2-B453-215C058844FE): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-CineCamera (B2E18506-4273-CFC2-A54E-F4BB758BBA07): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-VirtualProduction (64F58936-FD1B-42BA-BA96-7289D5D0FA4E): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Main (697DD581-E64F-41AB-AA4A-51ECBEB7B628): 119
LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Release (D89B5E42-24BD-4D46-8412-ACA8DF641779): 51
LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-PrivateFrosty (59DA5D52-1232-4948-B878-597870B8E98B): 8
LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Dev-Cooker (26075A32-730F-4708-88E9-8C32F1599D05): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-MediaFramework (6F0ED827-A609-4895-9C91-998D90180EA4): 2
LogDevObjectVersion: UE5-Dev-LWCRendering (30D58BE3-95EA-4282-A6E3-B159D8EBB06A): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-RigVM (DC49959B-53C0-4DE7-9156-EA885E7C5D39): 9
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-ControlRig (A7820CFB-20A7-4359-8C54-2C149623CF50): 30
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-IKRig (F6DFBB78-BB50-A0E4-4018-B84D60CBAF23): 2
LogInit: Presizing for max 2097152 objects, including 1 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
LogStreaming: Display: AsyncLoading2 - Created: Event Driven Loader: false, Async Loading Thread: true, Async Post Load: true
LogStreaming: Display: AsyncLoading2 - Initialized
LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
LogConfig: Set CVar [[con.DebugEarlyDefault:1]]
LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateDefault:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateCheat:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
*LogConfig: CVar [[LogNamedEventFilters:Frame ]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.setres:1280x720]]
LogConfig: CVar [[framepro.ScopeMinTimeMicroseconds:10]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.NiagaraAllowRuntimeScalabilityChanges:1]]
LogConfig: CVar [[QualityLevelMapping:high]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: CVar [[r.Occlusion.SingleRHIThreadStall:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.DetectVertexShaderLayerAtRuntime:1]]
LogConfig: Set CVar [[D3D12.Bindless.ResourceDescriptorHeapSize:100000]]
LogConfig: Set CVar [[D3D12.Bindless.SamplerDescriptorHeapSize:2048]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateDefault:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[con.DebugLateCheat:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
*[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[LogNamedEventFilters:Frame ]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[framepro.ScopeMinTimeMicroseconds:10]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[QualityLevelMapping:high]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[r.Occlusion.SingleRHIThreadStall:1]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VisualizeCalibrationColorMaterialPath:/Engine/EngineMaterials/PPM_DefaultCalibrationColor.PPM_DefaultCalibrationColor]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[VisualizeCalibrationGrayscaleMaterialPath:/Engine/EngineMaterials/PPM_DefaultCalibrationGrayscale.PPM_DefaultCalibrationGrayscale]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GPUCrashDebugging:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[MaxSkinBones:(Default=65536,PerPlatform=((“Mobile”, 256)))]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ReflectionMethod:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.GenerateMeshDistanceFields:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DynamicGlobalIlluminationMethod:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableNoPrecomputedLightingCSMShader:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkinCache.CompileShaders:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RayTracing:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.Enable:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LocalExposure.HighlightContrastScale:0.8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LocalExposure.ShadowContrastScale:0.8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shaders.RemoveUnusedInterpolators:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[s.MaxPackageSummarySize:16384]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[s.FlushStreamingOnExit:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__SoundBase]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__MaterialInterface]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[FixedBootOrder:/Script/Engine/Default__DeviceProfileManager]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.FlushStreamingOnGC:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC:10]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.AllowParallelGC:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects:61.1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInEditor:25165824]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabled:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.CreateGCClusters:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MinGCClusterSize:5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.AssetClustreringEnabled:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.ActorClusteringEnabled:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.MultithreadedDestructionEnabled:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.VerifyUObjectsAreNotFGCObjects:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[gc.GarbageEliminationEnabled:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.NetworkSettings] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[NetworkEmulationProfiles:(ProfileName=“Average”,ToolTip=“Simulates average internet conditions”)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:050][ 0]LogConfig: CVar [[NetworkEmulationProfiles:(ProfileName=“Bad”,ToolTip=“Simulates laggy internet conditions”)]] deferred - dummy variable created
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.FXAA.Quality:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TemporalAA.Quality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.R11G11B10:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.ScreenPercentage:200]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.History.UpdateQuality:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.ShadingRejection.Flickering:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.RejectionAntiAliasingQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TSR.Resurrection:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.MaxPhysicalPages:4096]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasDirectional:-1.5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasDirectionalMoving:-1.5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasLocal:0.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasLocalMoving:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.RayCountDirectional:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.SamplesPerRayDirectional:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.RayCountLocal:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shadow.Virtual.SMRT.SamplesPerRayLocal:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [GlobalIlluminationQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.DiffuseIndirect.Allow:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LumenScene.Radiosity.ProbeSpacing:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LumenScene.Radiosity.HemisphereProbeResolution:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TraceMeshSDFs.Allow:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution:32]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.RadianceCache.NumProbesToTraceBudget:300]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.DownsampleFactor:16]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.TracingOctahedronResolution:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.IrradianceFormat:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.StochasticInterpolation:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.FullResolutionJitterWidth:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.TwoSidedFoliageBackfaceDiffuse:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.ScreenTraces.HZBTraversal.FullResDepth:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.ShortRangeAO.HardwareRayTracing:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.GridPixelSize:32]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.TraceFromVolume:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.TracingOctahedronResolution:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.ProbeResolution:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyVolume.RadianceCache.NumProbesToTraceBudget:200]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyLight.RealTimeReflectionCapture:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ReflectionQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSR.HalfResSceneColor:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.Allow:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.DownsampleFactor:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.MaxRoughnessToTraceForFoliage:0.4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.Reflections.ScreenSpaceReconstruction.TonemapStrength:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyReflections.FrontLayer.Allow:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Lumen.TranslucencyReflections.FrontLayer.Enable:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MotionBlur.HalfResGather:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Bloom.ScreenPercentage:50.000]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.ResolutionDivisor:2 ; lower gathering resolution]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.VT.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DetailMode:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SSGI.Quality:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque:1 ; Always have FastSkyLUT 1 in this case to avoid wrong sky]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.SampleCountMaxPerSlice:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.DepthResolution:16.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMax:128.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMax:128.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.UseSmallFormat:0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.SampleCount:10.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.MultiScatteringLUT.SampleCount:15.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.Niagara.QualityLevel:3]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Refraction.OffsetQuality:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadingQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.IntegrationType:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyAO.SampleCount:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:082][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.HairStrands.Visibility.MSAA.SamplePerPixel:4]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:083][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.AnisotropicMaterials:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:083][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [LandscapeQuality@3] File [Scalability]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:083][ 0]LogRHI: Using Default RHI: D3D12
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:083][ 0]LogRHI: Using Highest Feature Level of D3D12: SM6
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:083][ 0]LogRHI: Loading RHI module D3D12RHI
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:105][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Aftermath initialized
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:105][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Loading WinPixEventRuntime.dll for PIX profiling (from …/…/…/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Windows/WinPixEventRuntime/x64).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:105][ 0]LogRHI: Checking if RHI D3D12 with Feature Level SM6 is supported by your system.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:342][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Found D3D12 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (VendorId: 10de, DeviceId: 2684, SubSysId: 40c01458, Revision: 00a1
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:342][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Max supported Feature Level 12_2, shader model 6.7, binding tier 3, wave ops supported, atomic64 supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:342][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Adapter has 24142MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 16328MB of shared system memory, 2 output[s]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:342][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Driver Version: 551.52 (internal:, unified:551.52)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:342][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Driver Date: 2-7-2024
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Found D3D12 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (VendorId: 1414, DeviceId: 008c, SubSysId: 0000, Revision: 0000
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Max supported Feature Level 12_1, shader model 6.2, binding tier 3, wave ops supported, atomic64 unsupported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 16328MB of shared system memory, 0 output[s]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: DirectX Agility SDK runtime found.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Chosen D3D12 Adapter Id = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogRHI: RHI D3D12 with Feature Level SM6 is supported and will be used.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [Windows]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogHAL: Display: Platform has ~ 32 GB [34243395584 / 34359738368 / 32], which maps to Largest [LargestMinGB=32, LargerMinGB=12, DefaultMinGB=8, SmallerMinGB=6, SmallestMinGB=0)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogDeviceProfileManager: Going up to parent DeviceProfile []
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup] File […/…/…/Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.DumpShaderDebugInfo:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[r.Shaders.WarningsAsErrors:0 ;; 0: off, 1: global shaders, 2: all]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[p.chaos.AllowCreatePhysxBodies:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[fx.SkipVectorVMBackendOptimizations:1]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup_Windows] File […/…/…/Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[memory.MemoryPressureCriticalThresholdMB:512]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[net.CurrentHandshakeVersion:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogConfig: Set CVar [[net.MinHandshakeVersion:2]]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogInit: Computer: THEBEEZNEST
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogInit: User: Beez
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=10
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:354][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Process is running as part of a Windows Job with separate resource limits
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=31.9GB (32GB approx) Virtual=48.9GB
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 197.38 MB used, 205.04 MB peak
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 143.68 MB used, 143.68 MB peak
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 17304.73 MB used, 15352.32 MB free, 32657.05 MB total
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 26925.48 MB used, 23139.56 MB free, 50065.05 MB total
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:586][ 0]LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : extradevelopmentmemorymb=“0”
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:591][ 0]LogWindows: WindowsPlatformFeatures enabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:591][ 0]LogInit: Physics initialised using underlying interface: Chaos
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:591][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:591][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:591][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for ‘en-US’ exists, so ‘en’ will be used for the language.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:624][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Available input methods:
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:624][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: - English (United States) - (Keyboard).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:624][ 0]LogWindowsTextInputMethodSystem: Activated input method: English (United States) - (Keyboard).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:657][ 0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created. Platform User Id 0, User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:657][ 0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogRHI: Using Default RHI: D3D12
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogRHI: Using Highest Feature Level of D3D12: SM6
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogRHI: Loading RHI module D3D12RHI
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogRHI: Checking if RHI D3D12 with Feature Level SM6 is supported by your system.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogRHI: RHI D3D12 with Feature Level SM6 is supported and will be used.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:698][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Display: Creating D3D12 RHI with Max Feature Level SM6
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogWindows: Attached monitors:
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogWindows: resolution: 1920x1080, work area: (0, -1080) → (1920, 0), device: ‘\.\DISPLAY2’
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogWindows: resolution: 1920x1080, work area: (0, 0) → (1920, 1040), device: ‘\.\DISPLAY3’ [PRIMARY]
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogWindows: Found 2 attached monitors.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogWindows: Gathering driver information using Windows Setup API
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogRHI: RHI Adapter Info:
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogRHI: Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogRHI: Driver Version: 551.52 (internal:, unified:551.52)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogRHI: Driver Date: 2-7-2024
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: GPU DeviceId: 0x2684 (for the marketing name, search the web for “GPU Device Id”)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:699][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: InitD3DDevice: -D3DDebug = off -D3D12GPUValidation = off
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:704][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [Aftermath] Aftermath crash dumping enabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:704][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [DRED] Dred breadcrumb context enabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:704][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [DRED] Using lightweight DRED.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:704][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Emitting draw events for PIX profiling.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [Aftermath] Aftermath enabled and primed
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [Aftermath] Aftermath resource tracking enabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device1 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device2 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device3 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device4 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device5 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device6 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device7 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device8 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device9 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device10 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device11 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: ID3D12Device12 is supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Bindless resources are supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Stencil ref from pixel shader is not supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Raster order views are supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Wave Operations are supported (wave size: min=32 max=32).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: D3D12 ray tracing tier 1.1 and bindless resources are supported.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Mesh shader tier 1.0 is supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: AtomicInt64OnTypedResource is supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: AtomicInt64OnGroupShared is supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: AtomicInt64OnDescriptorHeapResource is supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:805][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Shader Model 6.6 atomic64 is supported
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:852][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [GPUBreadCrumb] Successfully setup breadcrumb resource for DiagnosticBuffer (3D)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:853][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [GPUBreadCrumb] Successfully setup breadcrumb resource for DiagnosticBuffer (Copy)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:853][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: [GPUBreadCrumb] Successfully setup breadcrumb resource for DiagnosticBuffer (Compute)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:880][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Display: Not using pipeline state disk cache per r.D3D12.PSO.DiskCache=0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:880][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Display: Not using driver-optimized pipeline state disk cache per r.D3D12.PSO.DriverOptimizedDiskCache=0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:881][ 0]LogRHI: Texture pool is 14725 MB (70% of 21036 MB)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:881][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: Async texture creation enabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:881][ 0]LogD3D12RHI: RHI has support for 64 bit atomics
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:893][ 0]LogVRS: Current RHI supports Variable Rate Shading
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:895][ 0]LogInit: Initializing FReadOnlyCVARCache
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:901][ 0]LogRendererCore: Ray tracing is enabled for the game. Reason: CVar r.RayTracing=1, and r.RayTracing.EnableInGame game user setting does not exist (using default from CVar: 1).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Using IoDispatcher for shader code library Global. Total 5549 unique shaders.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Cooked Context: Using Shared Shader Library Global
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Logical shader library ‘Global’ has been created as a monolithic library
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Global_SC’, but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Paper2D’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ACLPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Bridge’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRigModules’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GameplayCameras’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘BlueprintHeaderView’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRig’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRigSpline’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryMode’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘IKRig’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosClothEditor’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘DatasmithContent’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GLTFExporter’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosVD’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosNiagara’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SpeedTreeImporter’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘FullBodyIK’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryCollectionPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AnimationSharing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Niagara’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘UVEditor’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MetaHumanProjectUtilities’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘LightMixer’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Interchange’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SkeletalMeshModelingTools’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosCaching’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryProcessing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AudioSynesthesia’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SteamCorePro’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ToolPresets’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AudioWidgets’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘NiagaraSimCaching’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Metasound’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ObjectMixer’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MediaCompositing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MediaPlate’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘TraceUtilities’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘PythonScriptPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SequencerScripting’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Takes’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Synthesis’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosSolverPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ResonanceAudio’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘WaveTable’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘RigVM’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Dataflow’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:902][ 0]LogTemp: Display: Clearing the OS Cache
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: — StereoAspects begin —
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: Platform=PCD3D_SM6 (49)
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bInstancedStereo = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobilePlatform = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobilePostprocessing = 1
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobileMultiView = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMultiViewportCapable = 1
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bInstancedStereoNative = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: —
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobileMultiViewCoreSupport = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobileMultiViewNative = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobileMultiViewFallback = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: —
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bInstancedMultiViewportEnabled = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bInstancedStereoEnabled = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: bMobileMultiViewEnabled = 0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:908][ 0]LogInit: FStereoShaderAspects: — StereoAspects end —
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:912][ 0]LogInit: XR: Instanced Stereo Rendering is Disabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:912][ 0]LogInit: XR: MultiViewport is Disabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:912][ 0]LogInit: XR: Mobile Multiview is Disabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:914][ 0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:914][ 0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Paper2D’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ACLPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRigModules’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRigSpline’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ControlRig’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘IKRig’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Bridge’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GameplayCameras’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosVD’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AnimationSharing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘BlueprintHeaderView’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryMode’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘LightMixer’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ObjectMixer’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SpeedTreeImporter’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘UVEditor’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘DatasmithContent’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GLTFExporter’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SkeletalMeshModelingTools’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosCaching’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosClothEditor’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosNiagara’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ChaosSolverPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Dataflow’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘FullBodyIK’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryCollectionPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MetaHumanProjectUtilities’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘PythonScriptPlugin’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ToolPresets’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘NiagaraSimCaching’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Niagara’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Interchange’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SteamCorePro’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MediaCompositing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘MediaPlate’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘SequencerScripting’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AudioSynesthesia’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘AudioWidgets’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘GeometryProcessing’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Metasound’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘ResonanceAudio’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘RigVM’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Synthesis’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘WaveTable’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘TraceUtilities’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:956][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Takes’, but could not find it (only tried to open it as a monolithic library).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Using IoDispatcher for shader code library ElementiArena. Total 3144 unique shaders.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Cooked Context: Using Shared Shader Library ElementiArena
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Logical shader library ‘ElementiArena’ has been created as a monolithic library
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogRHI: Could not open FPipelineCacheFile: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/PipelineCaches/Windows/ElementiArena_PCD3D_SM6.stable.upipelinecache
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogRHI: Could not open FPipelineCacheFile: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/PipelineCaches/Windows/ElementiArena_PCD3D_SM6.stable.upipelinecache
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open again shader library ‘ElementiArena’, but could not find new components for it (existing components: 1).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogRHI: Could not open FPipelineCacheFile: …/…/…/ElementiArena/Content/PipelineCaches/Windows/ElementiArena_PCD3D_SM6.stable.upipelinecache
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US).
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for ‘en-US’ exists, so ‘en’ will be used for the language.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for ‘en-US’ exists, so ‘en’ will be used for the locale.
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogSlate: FontCache flush requested. Reason: Culture for localization was changed
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:957][ 0]LogSlate: FontCache flush requested. Reason: Culture for localization was changed
[2024.05.19-21.49.28:958][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0004 seconds to start up
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:067][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: FlushAsyncLoading(1): 1 QueuedPackages, 0 AsyncPackages
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:069][ 0]LogDeviceProfileManager: Display: Deviceprofile LinuxArm64Editor not found.
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:069][ 0]LogDeviceProfileManager: Display: Deviceprofile LinuxArm64 not found.
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:070][ 0]LogDeviceProfileManager: Active device profile: [000002826E95E080][000002826E42DB70 66] Windows
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:070][ 0]LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : deviceprofile=“Windows”
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:112][ 0]LogTextureEncodingSettings: Display: Texture Encode Speed: Final (cook).
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:112][ 0]LogTextureEncodingSettings: Display: Oodle Texture Encode Speed settings: Fast: RDO Off Lambda=0, Effort=Normal Final: RDO Off Lambda=0, Effort=Normal
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:112][ 0]LogTextureEncodingSettings: Display: Shared linear texture encoding: Disabled
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:200][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 48 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000159 seconds
[2024.05.19-21.49.29:227][ 0]LogOnlineSubsystemSteamCore: Verbose: [USteamCoreAuthComponentModuleInterface::USteamCoreAuthComponentModuleInterface]emphasized textemphasized text
Any assistance would be great.
I already deleted my app data and rebuilt the c++ source.
Thank you.