In our case it happened on packaged (x64) version of a game with development build configuration.
We’re working on that project on different computers. I have this project and UE placed in D drive, my friend doesn’t have D drive at all. Also, the PC on which a build was tested, doesn’t have this drive either.
I’m writing about that because of ****'s answer in given topic. He wrote:
, I may be seeing a related crash:
I noticed that in both cases there’s
reference in the call stack to a
directory on a “D:” drive, which isn’t
a physical drive that exists on my
machine and the engine trying to
access it seems to be giving the
I’m not sure if it’s really the source of a problem since my friend didn’t have crashes like that at all (and he doesn’t have D drive). But as I said, I’m not sure. Could anyone help with this? What’s the problem? How to fix it?
I attached crash log.
Tested machine has win8.1 installed.
We are using UE 4.5
Also, the game was working for a while (it didn’t happen on startup or smth like that) and there wasn’t any problems with it.
I’m adding link to print screen of a crash (apparently, you can’t enlarge it Oo). [crash screen][3]
Here are our crash logs: download, I don’t know why attaching it didn’t work…
As for dxdiag, we would be able to provide it tomorrow, sorry for that.
About reproduction steps, we don’t know, actually. We tried to cause this crash again, but we couldn’t do it. From what I know, it happened when a player tried to attack someone with a weapon that derived from our AWeaponMelee class.
The project is made mostly in c++. (StartAttack method, that is listed in crash log, also was written in code).
Additionally, it turned out that my friend has D drive, but his UE and project is located somewhere else.
Here is DxDiag [Download][1] of the machine the crash happened. But we build the game on Shipping configuration with 32bit and we didn’t encountered this error for straight 8h’s of gaming. However instead we got another crash
. Any idea what it is? I am not 100% sure, but I think it crashed when players used actor that calls UMG with mouse on interface.
I noticed your dxdiag states that you only have 4 gigs of ram in that PC, does a pc with at least 8 gigs of ram (the rest of the dxdiag was well above minimum recommended specs) experience the same crash?
Our dev machines with 8gb and 16gb (i5 and gtx770) never experienced such problems. Although we never tested on them for such long period of time. DxDiag machine run game constantly for 8-9hrs a day for 3 days. And we experienced this crash 1-2 times a day.
Try running the project on one of those for a period of time to see if this crash occurs. I believe that the problem may be because your computer does not have the memory to continuously run a project effectively.
We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please respond with the requested information.