Game Animation Sample Project (GASP 5.5) Physical Animation

Hello everyone,

I’m using the Unreal Engine asset pack Game Animation Sample Project version 5.5 (GASP 5.5). However, I’m facing an issue when using the Physical Animation Component.

When I initialize it in Begin Play and then activate ragdoll, the game crashes. The cause I found is the Add Tick Prerequisite Component node. If I remove this node, it works fine, but Sprint becomes unstable.

I’m not sure how to fix this. Please help me.
Thank you

Please help me :sob:

I noticed that other characters were no longer able to dash(IA_Sprint).
This was resolved by deleting the Event BeginPlay in /Content/Blueprints/RetargetedCharacters/CBP_SandboxCharacter_${name}.
The event itself must be deleted even if it is not connected to a node.