Galaxy Heist: Seeking 3D Artists/Concept Artists [PC/XB1]

Galaxy Heist**

**Galaxy Heist is a First/Third person singleplayer and multiplayer science fiction game for PC and Xbox One.

The Game is heavily in development and has been for the past few years. The game has already had a successful Steam Greenlight campaign and has acquired a partnership with Microsoft to ship on Xbox One consoles. **

What we are looking for:

  • 1x 3D Artist - Creating hard surface/low poly models, experience with PBR texturing suite is preferred.

  • 1x Concept Artist - Create digital environment and character drawings to help illustrate the game we’re building.

Currently we are 2 programmers and 1 3D artist, however having a couple extra hands to help us in this final push for funding would go a long way.

Our next expected revenue will come from investments at the end of this year and within 2017. Everyone is working for free at the moment. We’ve planned to do a hard development push in November to make a large final stride towards getting the game to an impressive state for investors. We’ve made huge strides but could use one or two more artists to help fill the mechanics and environments we’ve set up. As soon as money comes in, nobody will be expected to work for free.

About Galaxy Heist

In Galaxy Heist, you are in charge of overseeing a single large military starship. You will be tasked with managing this ship by recruiting crew and assigning them to particular stations aboard your vessel. You and your crew will Travel and explore the Galaxy by visiting known and uncharted sectors of space, go down to the surface of planets or blast your way through pirate infested space stations.

Think of this game as mount and blade in space! Your choices define the world around you.

Take a few crew members aboard one of your transport vessels and head down to the surface of a nearby planet to try and recruit some of the locals but don’t just recruit anybody! Each character you run into has their own characteristics and will respect you as a leader in different ways. You don’t want to have to throw some of your crew members in the Brigg for causing a mutiny on your ship!
Explore cities and browse through available missions which in return could gain you some credits to allow you to upgrade/customize your ship and fund your research & development crew to work on new equipment.
Take command of Large Scale space battles either in the command room or aboard one of your fighters that includes fully interactive cockpits and a physical flight model.
Losing the battle? Jump in an escape pods and jettison yourself to safety to the nearest planet. Will it be Hostile planet? Friendly? Barren? Deploy your distress beacon so your faction can dispatch you a new starship so you won’t have to wait long! Remember, you will have to build your crew back up!

If you’re interested, please feel free to drop us an email at:
