I have been following a tutorial that works with Lyra Game Starter Template and followed it well until I got stuck at this moment at 01:06:45 Unreal Engine 5 Battle Royale Tutorial | Lyra Starter Game - YouTube where I get the following error when I try to save the file: \Content\Characters\Heroes\Abilities\GA_Hero_Death.uasset: Illegally references asset /LyraFixModule/B_ScoringBattleRoyale. You may only reference assets from EngineContent, Plugin:LyraExampleContent, Plugin:LyraExtTool, Plugin:PocketWorlds, and ProjectContent here. (AssetValidator_AssetReferenceRestrictions)
I found this tutorial which I thought would help me with this issue UE5 Lyra - Asset Referencing Error PROPER FIX - Mastering the Lyra Framework - YouTube basically I created a a new module and setup ShooterCore as dependency as it said but I see that I still get same error. I don’t understand this error fully and would highly appreciate if someone could help me understand what it means and how it is possible to solve it.
I get the same thing. i really need to reference my asset/content that is in my plugin from my project. i has something to do with the “asset policies?” argh.
If you’re not working within a Plugin, then chances are you’re currently in the ProjectContent domain. This is the domain name given to whatever is inside the Content Folder. To allow content in the ProjectContent domain to use content from another plugin which isn’t already supported, go to Edit->Project Settings->Asset Referencing Policy->Project Content->Default Project Content Rule->Can Reference These Domains. Then add the desired plugin to the array.
This is probably not the best way to do this and I’d wager you can probably define a new rule in Edit->Project Settings->Asset Referencing Policy->Project Plugins->Project Plugins->Additional Rules, but my project is still early days and I wanted to test the Lyra Pawn on some C++ code I’m writing, so I just added it like this.