Hello everyone!
I switched from lumion to twinmotion about six months ago and i think its quite superior to the former. However there are some features that I miss and I think would be great if implemented in the future.
1: Soft edges: Lumion has a soft edge setting that fakes beveled edges on geometry that the material that has the soft edge slider turned on is aplied to. D5 render has this option also. I think this is very important since many people are exporting from BIM softwares like archicad or revit and cannot bevel their wall edges. Twinmotion already edges other real time render software in imported geometry editing capabilities so I do not get why this has not been implemented yet.
Sketch styles: Lumion has a lot of costumizable sketch style rendering/video options. I think this is a big plus to have because a designer might not always have the time to perfect the scene and make it look ultra-realistic and in those cases the sketch syles are very handy because a sketch style render/animation is better than something that is trying to be realistic and failing. I did a sketch style season timelapse animation for a clients house design in lumion and it came out realy neat… If I did the same thing trying to make it look photorealistic it would take me 5x time to prepare the scene and 10x time to render it.
I noticed that TM has added a clearcoat layer in its recent update and it blew my mind because it means that a RT rendering software is capable of adding an extra layer to an existing material. However… the clearcoat layer is just a slider… If it would be possible for the clearcoat to have its own roughness mapp, opacity and normal than it would give the users the ability to add imperfections to surfaces and realy bring the rendering quality to the next level.
The denoiser for the pathtracing renders is AWFUL. I think it needs a complete rework.