Fuse - Eyelashes ~ Can't make them transparent

So for the last days i’ve been trying to get eyelashes to be transparent. I can’t find a solution for it, i have 3 materials but for character only - Diffuse, Gloss & Normal.


Screenshot - 1c4b377d44d8609c4d4cddcead1b87be - Gyazo (Note: I created eyelashes material trying to create a fix… Failed)

nothing seems to work, tried both opacity & opacity mask

Set the blend mode on your material in the lower left of the screen to “Masked”. You currently have it set to opaque, which doesn’t process opacity.

Doesen’t work… Still visible

Maybe take the alpha channel of the albedo texture and feed that into your opacity mask? The masked mode needs an actual alpha input to know where the mask is.

Failing that, just feed a low constant value into the opacity pin and have it uniformly transparent. It won’t look as intended but they’ll look less… metrosexual? (Is that still a thing these days?)

Looking at your pictures, you’ve still got it wired into the (disabled) opacity input rather than the opacity mask input…

Tried both none work

Is there a way you could provide a link to a tutorial?

Not my tutorial, but this guy shows you how to do it: https://youtu.be/KLEop3QiRfc?t=38m43s

as ur current setting, plug it into opacity mask instead of opacity

I seem to recall the alpha mask for the eyelash texture was the main (base) output of the texture…try plugging that to the opacity mask

Thanks, will try it out soon

I did, it did not work

The setup i use, based on oldschool Mixamo models (with precise export to Unreal).

Steam version of Fuse has a proper export of materials for UE4, so eyelashes works correctly and have a separate material for that. You can use it or you can adapt a model in 3d modeling software by assigning a new material to eyelashes and make it transparent in UE4.

Acer364 let us know if/how you did the eyelash material, interested to know how you got on with this.

I suggest sticking to this thread if i were you then, cause i’m trying a lot of stuff and nothing works… In the video tutorial he gets materials imported but i didn’t get eyelash material

This is realy starting to **** me off, i get no option to apply the eyelash material to eyelashes! Why is this happening?!?!?

Just when i was going insane, someone saved my life - YouTube

This is how you create your character, properly!

video is not available(

It’s available on Twitch though.

And through a wayback machine.