FuriousEleganceContest Student Entry by @busesart #FuriousEleganceContest #Student-Entry

Student Entry for FuriousEleganceContest by @busesart UnrealChallenge by Busenur Simon Student-Entry from Manchester School of Architecture, UK

Transcending Boundaries by @busesart Buse Simon
Video URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18rOyeR2gONrxFmM4zoG3cMs_NpaJkuee/view?usp=sharing

  • Engine version: 5.2

In-editor screenshot showcasing the UI: UnrealChallenge_Busenur_Simon_UI_ss.jpg - Google Drive

Student Submission: Yes

Credits to sourced content: Free KITBASH 3D assets from Cargo software (Mission to Minerva)
‘I hate everything about you’ witch house remix original track by Dr Rader used with permission from the artist
3D Face Scan with Reality Capture, Model Name: Doga Arica

Screenshot of project in-editor:

  • Description / backstory to the piece / feedback around the challenge:

As an aspiring filmmaker, I am thrilled to present my latest creation, “Transcending Boundaries: A Journey Through Ethical Awakening.” This profound 3D animation is the result of my passion for storytelling and utilizing the power of mostly Unreal Engine 5 and Reality Capture, and a bit of modelling and sculpting in Autodesk Maya.

Drawing inspiration from a futuristic sci-fi setting, “Transcending Boundaries” delves into the complex theme of the separation of body and soul. In a world where humanity has reached new heights of industrialization, I sought to shed light on the unsettling reality of animal exploitation and the underlying anthropocentric values that perpetuate it via strong use of symbolism.

The animation ingeniously captures the essence of animal abuse by encapsulating a human figure, evoking a powerful parallel between the captive creatures and the animals that endure a similar fate. Through irony and visual symbolism, I aim to provoke a critical examination of our collective responsibility in perpetuating a system that commodifies sentient beings for the sake of sustenance within a capitalist framework.

By leveraging Unreal Engine’s advanced technology and my artistic vision, “Transcending Boundaries” offers viewers a multidimensional experience. With meticulously crafted visuals and a thought-provoking narrative, the animation implores audiences to reconsider our place in the natural world and the ethical implications of our choices.

Throughout the journey, the audience will be confronted with the stark reality of our complicity in this system. “Transcending Boundaries” serves as a catalyst for introspection, challenging viewers to question their own role in sustaining an industrialized world that often prioritizes human needs at the expense of the welfare of other species.

Through this project, I aspire to foster a greater sense of empathy and awareness, ultimately urging society to reevaluate our relationship with animals and the environment. “Transcending Boundaries” showcases my creative vision, technical proficiency, and commitment to sparking meaningful dialogue about the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Join me on this transformative journey as we embark on “Transcending Boundaries: A Journey Through Ethical Awakening” and collectively explore the possibilities of a more compassionate and sustainable future. ‘’

Many thanks,

Busenur Simon (@busesart)