Title: Supernatural Samurai
Video URL: https://youtu.be/dGQyujYkpfc
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Base Anime Character (both): Vroid Studio VRoid Studio
All Animation: Made with Cascadeur https://cascadeur.com/
FX Smoke: Dust_FX Dust and Smoke Effects in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
FX Sword: Sword Trails Sword Trails in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
FX sA Megapack Niagara Mega VFX Pack vol. 1 in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
AOE Abilities Niagara AOE Magic Abilities - Niagara Magic VFX in Visual Effects - UE Marketplace
Audio/Music: Anime Chivalry of a Failed Knight episode 7
Environment: Poligon City POLYGON - City Pack in Environments - UE Marketplace
Software Used: Unreal 5, Cascadeur, Houdini, Blender
Screenshot of project in-editor:
- Description:
This is experiment to show case rendering 3d anime based on 2d reference with Unreal Engine, i choose to pick the fight of samurai/sword with japanese style because its always good/epic and we can’t see it in real life everyday, only in entertainment media. Years ago this kind of things will take a long time, but now it’s not really hard. Is this the future or will change the whole industry? maybe, why not, easier scenes faster to produce with all available pre made assets in Unreal Marketplace.
My aim learning here is searching for workflow to combine the most advance vfx thats available today and combine the unreal engine fast render but still have issues with alembic, vertex animation textures or the fbx for cloth sim/soft body sim in sequencer, will keep testing it. Enjoy !
- Engine version: 5.21