Functions Missing?

In version 4.8 I could found two nodes random to Point and random to Point radius but these two node are missing in all latests version please I request unreal community to add these two node in latests version or give alternative node to work with.

They been deprecated in 4.8, C++ deprecation warnings suggest to use different functions:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AI|Navigation", meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContext", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecatedMessage = "GetRandomPointInRadius is deprecated. Use either GetRandomReachablePointInRadius or GetRandomPointInNavigableSpace"))
static FVector GetRandomPointInRadius(UObject* WorldContext, const FVector& Origin, float Radius, ANavigationData* NavData = NULL, TSubclassOf<UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass = NULL);
DEPRECATED(4.8, "GetRandomPointInRadius is deprecated. Use either GetRandomReachablePointInRadius or GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius")
bool GetRandomPointInRadius(const FVector& Origin, float Radius, FNavLocation& ResultLocation, ANavigationData* NavData = NULL, FSharedConstNavQueryFilter QueryFilter = NULL) const;
DEPRECATED(4.8, "GetRandomPoint is deprecated. Use either GetRandomReachablePointInRadius or GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius")
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "AI|Navigation", meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContext", DeprecatedFunction, DeprecatedMessage = "GetRandomPoint is deprecated. Use either GetRandomReachablePointInRadius or GetRandomPointInNavigableSpace"))
static FVector GetRandomPoint(UObject* WorldContext, ANavigationData* NavData = NULL, TSubclassOf<UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass = NULL);

If you want random point just make random vector