Functioning Doors, ladders, etc. in construction scripts

Hi everyone,

My thought was to have a complete building made in a construction script with functioning doors and ladders and everything you would want in a game.
So far I have the building prefab itself done with some varients and the blueprints for the ladders and all that stuff.
What I cant figure out though is how I can implement these blueprints within the Prefab.
So basically, I have the Wall with the empty space for the door, I have the door, but I dont know how I can build the door through the Prefab BP.

I really hope someone has an answer, would take a lot of time placing all that manually!

Thank you all in advance.
Have a great day!

You mean so the door works for the player?

Two ways, I’d say

  1. Make the doors child blueprint components of the building.

  2. Get the building to spawn the doors at runtime.

In both cases, the doors a separate blueprints. It would also be best to talk to them using an interface.

Thanks for the asnwer!

I was out of town so I couldnt reply as fast.

Which of those methods would you prefer? And would you mind elaborating on it or giving me a name I can look for to find a solution/help?

Im kind of new to Blueprints but would love to learn some basics.

Something about the construction script

Child actor components

Spawning meshes at runtime

Just say if you need a basic example also…