Functional Testing w/ Lyra

Hey y’all been trying to get some automated testing up and running in a project with Lyra imported. Created a simple FTEST level to use as a template in order to test new game mechanics. I’ve run into an issue though where with Lyra imported it seems to being forcing a Lyra Experience check on the Level and crashing the whole editor when that assertion fails.

My question is has anyone else run into this before and if so was there a way around it w/o needing to instantiate a bunch of the Lyra overhead in my testing level.

Error : "[2023.05.15-20.11.22:673][774]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: ExperienceComponent [File:D:\LyraStarterGame\Source\LyraGame\GameModes\AsyncAction_ExperienceReady.cpp] [Line: 68] "

Hey did you get something working with this? I’m currently having a look at writing some automation tests for lyra myself