Hi. I’m making and options menu and I got to the sound section and I have a problem.
Is there a function in UDK(US) that lets me modify soundClass volume and saves changes somewhere so when I restart the game the changes will persist or should I implement that functionality myself? And if there is a one how to get the sound volume level for a soundClass so I can plug it in into my interface? I know of two console commands “ModifySoundClass” and “SetAudioGroupVolume” (the second of which is a native function in PlayerController) but both of them don’t save the changes so when you restart the game volume is reset to 100%.
But SaveConfig() only saves changes made to config variables in the class that SaveConfig() is called from, doesn’t it? For exaple if I have ‘var config int MusicVol;’ and I make changes to it somewhere I need to use SaveConfig() to save the changes to cfg file. But SetAudioGroupVolume does not change any config var as far as I know. Or do you mean I must use SaveConfig() if I make my own implementation of saving and loading volume levels from a config file?
Like this:
class SGGame extends UTGame config(Game);
struct Vol
var string Name;
var float Value;
var config array<Vol> SoundVolume;
event PostLogin( playercontroller NewPlayer )
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < SoundVolume.Length; i++)
NewPlayer.SetAudioGroupVolume(name(SoundVolume*.Name), (SoundVolume*.Value / 100));
And then when i change the array vars from my OptionsMenu class I should call SGGame(class’WorldInfo’.static.GetWorldInfo().Game).SaveConfig();
This way of doing it works but I was just wondering is there a way to do this without implementing something like this.