I tried passing a list as a parameter and I got this error. Here’s the code that goes with it:
UFUNCTION(Category = "Dice")
int32 Max(int32 list[], int32 size, int32& index);
I tried passing a list as a parameter and I got this error. Here’s the code that goes with it:
UFUNCTION(Category = "Dice")
int32 Max(int32 list[], int32 size, int32& index);
It’s probably UHT that throws you a error, because reflection system does not support native C++ arrays, you need to use TArray instead… or remove UFUNCTION so function won’t be visible for reflection system, it means you can only use it in C++ and some engine features won’t work with it, but you will be able to use any C++ type
Since this function was only meant to be called by other C++ functions, I removed the UFUNCTION bit. It worked.