Function in sequence evaluator not updating

From the Lyra project I migrated the animations to my project and retargeted ABP_Unarmed_AnimLayers to my character.

But it looks like the Start and Stop animations are not being played, and my character will be stuck in the Start state and not go to the Cycle state

So I tracked down the issue to this Sequence Evaluator supposedly outputting my Start to Jog animation.
The SetUpStartAnim function selects the correct animation to play, but the UpdateStartAnim doesn’t advance the animation forward and my character is frozen

If I change my player character to SK_Manny, and uses his own ABP_ItemAnimLayersBase, the Get Accumulated Time seems to actually make the animation advance forward. Any idea ?

My character is using a custom rig renamed for the mannequin so I might be missing important data needed in the skeleton…

Turns out there was a reference to the mannequin still in the GetMainAnimBPThreadSafe function. Changed the cast to my character’s AnimBP and it fixed all my problems