Fun with Dark ruins !

Hi to all and happy new year !!

Some fun using megascans assets dark ruins for practicing lighting, cinematic and fx.
Real time 4k.


Hi again @aurelarchi,

Hope you’ve been well, it’s so nice to see more of your work around here :slight_smile:

As expected I’m completely blown away by your work. The environment is thoroughly gorgeous, the music is wonderfully immersive, and the character design is beyond exceptional. However, it was definitively the story telling elements that impressed me the most. From the fantasy-themed architecture to the literal dragon, all of it is so wildly awesome. I need this to be a game. Like today.

Do you have plans to make more projects similar to this one? Especially with maybe including the ram skull lady?

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Thanks you so much @PresumptivePanda for the feedbacks.
In fact it’s just practicing using the insanely good dark ruins assets from Quixel guys.
The goal was to make some fun and learn some stuffs.
I’m happy that this little exercice please a lot of people.
The goal for me is to reach new clients and projects but if the guys from Witcher need me…:slight_smile:


Can you give some detail on what you are using for hte very detailed candle flames? Is that also in the pack? I am looking for both a good range of candels, torches and campfire / bonfires.

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Sure, candels are from the pack, maybe you can find some torches too.

Hello @aurelarchi !

I think you made quite a lovely cinematic with the various assets provided! I love the subtle environmental effects that help feel the world much more alive. If I may ask, how did you render the dust particles near the beginning of the cinematic?

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Thanks a lot @The_M0ss_Man for the kindly feedback ! :wink:
Particles are just a free animation on screen in post.
From here if I remember : Particles Black Background Stock Video Footage for Free Download

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Hello again @aurelarchi !

Thank you so much for sharing. I usually struggle with making small animations like that but knowing now that they can be added in post is life changing!

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@The_M0ss_Man Sure ! Fast and easy !

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Hey, great job! What was the toughest part to pull off? The caustics and fog look awesome! :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot @Mr.Hrundel for the comment.
Hmm maybe the fractals with the bestroyed bridge, easy when you look some tuto but tricky !! :slight_smile:

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