I have a little problem with the screen format
I made a widget blueprint on a 1920:1080 resolution, so 16/9 format.
My screen is a 1280:1024, so 5/4 ( >< ).
When I launch my project in standalone game, it auto-resize to 1280:720, perfect, but in fullscreen, it keep this resolution and stretches the widget…
How to put black border in order to keep the widget’s format ?
Thank You !
P.S. :
I work on UE 4.5.1, Win7 64bits, with phenom II x4 955 (4 cores at 3.2GHz) and nvidia gtx 760,
And i didn’t find a solution (or didn’t understand it )
gamehud is the HUD blueprint (the only script for the moment),
mainmenubp is the Widget BP (in 1920:1080),
windowed is the result resized (in 1280:720)
fullscreen is the result (1280:720 stretched to 1280:1024)
We can see that buttons aren’t proportional …
I would like to have an effect like in alice madness return (made with UE too !)
(this is my first real project)
I have a way that you can set the screen resolution for full screen. What you could do is have the player select the resolution they would like to view the game in. This could in turn fire off the “Execute console command” with “r.SetRes 1920x1080f” placed in the text box labled command. This would be like what a player would see under video settings.