Is there a way to full-screen the current editor window one is looking at? I know you can do it with the viewport. but it would be nice to he able to fullscreen any panel you’re on.
Right now the only way to do this seems to be make the panel/window/editor a floating window, and maximize.
Is there a way to do this? I think there should be
yea, as I said, that works if you’re looking at the viewport, but it doesn’t do anything if you’re, say, in the material editor, or in a blueprint event graph.
I subscribe to this question, it’s also actual for me. In After Effects we can use tilda to maximize any window, in Houdini similar command called by Ctrl+B, but I cannot find the same button combination for UE.
it’s about individual panels, not the editor. Click the editor viewport (where you see your level), and press F11. Now try to get the same result with any other panel then come back to me.
But we’ve always been able to fullscreen floating stuff, the whole point was to be able to fullscreen whatever was in focus with a single command.
For example, Blender has Ctrl+SpaceBar, which will fullscreen whatever panel is under the cursor.
UE is really awful at stuff like this. They need to study Blender, because working in the unreal editors is a nightmare. Things like folder options to make contents unelectable in the viewport, and redo last command (shift r in blender, duplicate an object once with alt drag, then shift r to create additional instances at the same distance from the previous one), are long standing feature requests that would make using UE much less agonising. I have to admit, half way through learning I nearly threw in the towel and considered going to Unity to see if their editor is geared more towards fast workflow rather than forcing tedious repetitive work.
Sorry, but you REALLY need to switch gear in your brain from 3d software (blender or whatever) to a game engine.
If you need that “redo last command” - that’s what’s called “tedious repetitive work”. In 10 years working with Unreal I never ever needed it. If you want lights in a nice line with equal distance between them - please make a blueprint for this. That’s the right way to do it, that’s real “fast workflow”, not your blender’s shortcuts.
When it comes to working with a 3d scene, Unreal easily beats any 3d software like Blender/Maya/3ds max because Unreal is made for that. Learn Unreal’s tools and proler workflow, instead of trying to clumsy reproduce Blender’s workflow.
Unity’s editor is a bit of a mess, because all components with transforms are scene objects (yes, if you have a skeletal model with 100 bones, each of these bones will be selectable in the editor - that’s how ridiculous Unity is). And complete lack of nice tools for world building. But still better than 3d software at this.
(Btw, Unreal has option to make objects unselectable if you need)
This is still the top search result in 2024 for me. Just wanted to chime in that I’m also looking for “maximize current editor window under mouse cursor” with no good results.
As a beginner in Unreal, anyone here willing to share their workflow? Should I just get used to dragging out and maximizing windows the long way?