Will the marketplace ever sell full games? I guess it seems a bit odd now that I think about it seeing as only developers have access right? But I am curious about this.
The Marketplace is an asset store not a regular download platform like Steam, Origin or Uplay, but I am not sure what you mean with full games? Are you talking about a releasing your own titles on the marketplace or are you talking about things like the examples from Epic alias Shooter Game and so on?
Seems like they could sell example games much like Epic releases for free.
I think he meant “starter kits” like they sell on de Unity asset store
No, I actually meant like Steam but I realized it was a stupid question about ten seconds after I wrote it. LOL
Well for that matter nobody will stop you from putting full game on Marketplace. But you must consider, that moment you add it marketplace people are entitled and encouraged to tear it apart and use it in their own games.