Full body Fur (hair groom) attached to a Skeletal Mesh with pre-existing control rig, so it can be animated within level sequencer?

How do I attach the fur to the skeletal mesh in a way that I can use my pre-existing control rig (for the skeletal mesh) to animate the character with fur (or hair) now attached to that mesh? I know it’s likely something simple that I’m missing, but I’ve search for days without success. Nothing I’ve found clearly indicates how this is done. Many show how to attached fur/hair to mesh using BP, but not what to do after that point - i.e. getting to a fully animation capable character via new or existing control rig so the hair/fur is attached and animating with the mesh. ANY thoughts, assistance, theoretical ideas, etc. are welcome. Really appreciate it. Thanks!

I solved my own issue. It would appear I was missing a small step after I added the Control Rig component in the Blueprint and hooked up the nodes. In the details panel on the right, I wasn’t selecting the “Control Rig Class”. :roll_eyes:

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