April 29, 2016, 11:18am
Hello all!
I create a UStruct that include FTimespan, and create a DataTable by it.
Change FTimespan value is ok.
Export DataTable as CSV is ok, and FTimespan value is right.
But! When reinport CSV, the FTimespan value isn’t valid.
Fix it… plz…
btw DataTable include UTexture2D is awesome!!! lol
Hi ALangHung,
We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.
I have same problem. I exported FTimespan in datatable. I get csv file and FTimespan format ‘+0.00:00:00.000’. But They can not be importing.
I get error “Missing opening parenthesis” always. What is the correct format?
I have same problem.
I exported FTimespan in datatable. I get csv file and FTimespan format ‘+0.00:00:00.000’. But They can not be importing.
I get error “Missing opening parenthesis” always. What is the correct format?
This is not implement…
bool FTimespan::ImportTextItem(const TCHAR*& Buffer, int32 PortFlags, UObject* Parent, FOutputDevice* ErrorText)
// @todo gmp: implement FTimespan::ImportTextItem
return false;