hey, guys. this big problem has already cost me the whole day, and still, i got no answer. so i post question here, hope you can really help
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
void ServerTest();
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable)
void LocalTest(FTimespan timespan);
void AMyPlayerController::ServerTest_Implementation()
FTimespan timespan(0, 0, 10);
bool AGameUtilityPlayerController::ServerTest_Validate()
return true;
void AGameUtilityPlayerController::LocalTest_Implementation(FTimespan timespan)
// some print string code to see timespan
as you can see, i pass the FTimespan with 10 seconds, but the result on client is 0.
i tried to define a member FTimespan instead of this temporary timespan, not work.
i tried to define this member FTimespan as UPROPERTY(Replicated), but also not work.