FText in Exported DataTable (CSV) have ID

When you have FText in DataTable (for example item description which should be localized) after exporting it to CSV (to change weapon properties - it’s easier in Excel) all of the FText have ID with it which is really annoing.

NSLOCTEXT("", "23F7F7534F77A806A8266681A99A25A8", "Axe")

Anyone know how to get rid of this ID?

To reproduce just create new Structure with Text variable, then create DataTable using this structure, then add some data to DataTable, save the data table and export it to CSV.

Hey intoxicat3,

Thank you for the report. I was able to recreate the issue on my end and have entered a issue for it. You can follow it here: https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-34634

Hey intoxicat3,

The NSLOCTEXT/LOCTEXT data that’s exported for FText properties is information used by the localization system to identify a piece of localized text. Not exporting that data is destructive to the FText property (as it will lose its link to any localized data), and is not a change we’ll be making.

If you want to deliberately break this link then you can just replace the entire NSLOCTEXT/LOCTEXT string with your source text and it will be assigned a new key when the data table is re-imported.


That’s what I thought and with this it is really hard to work with translation team (outside the team using excel) as they don’t like to be careful with technical stuff.

How Epic is working with FText in DataTables with Translators?