Frustrum culling doesn't work for AI ?

Hello all,
I am becoming aware of some weird game thread optimization problems which are caused by the AI characters in my scene, of which can be seen in this screenshot:

It’s hard to see the scene itself but basically there’s a big hill in front of the player that hides everything (the green cubes are occluded actors) but there are 2 main issues:

  • The AI are apparently still rendered in some way (red arrow on the right) they are not taking performance when the player looks in the other direction (the AI rendered number decreases as well) but they are even when occluded by an object (even when the occlusion culling shows them as such).

  • The highest performance loss in the game thread seems to come from “Update overlaps” time and “Perform overlap query time” which is bizarre since I checked for everything that could overlap with these actors and the game tells me they are not overlapping anything.

How would I go about only rendering the AI when they are actually visible by the player ? I haven’t seen any setting anywhere for this. Also if anyone knows what the deal is with this overlap thing I’d love to know.

Thank you for your attention and merry christmas.