Using the Frontend to run Automated Tests appears to crash when you have a ScreenshotFunctionalTest call GetOverlappingActors outputting its results into Filter Array.
Setting “GetOverLappingActors” class filter from “None” to “Cube” seems to cause the crash to go away.
Removing the “Filter Array” node also causes the crash go away.
Thank you for reporting this issue. I attempted setting up what you mentioned but I believe I may be setting up something wrong as I am not seeing the same issue. Can you provide a reproduction project?
I’ve made a minimized project. I’ve found the strangest symptoms while working on it:
If I delete <proj>\Test\Screenshots it appears the crash goes away.
This was a bit of challenge to minimize as I’m new to unreal in general. Please let me know if I missed anything, this reproduces it 100% of the time on my machine.
I’ve included crash logs under Crash/
To reproduce, open project; “MyProject”, select the level FTEST_Hide, Session Frontend, and press “Run Level Test”.
Thank you for that reproduction project. From testing the issue in 4.17.2, I do see the crash that you are reporting. As part testing a bug such as this though, I also tested in 4.18 Preview 2 and our latest internal build.
When doing so, I did not crash in either case. 4.18 Preview 2 caused no slowdown at all and the test immediately failed. The latest internal build did freeze for a while but eventually recovered, with the test also failing.
From your original report, you don’t seem like you expect the test to be failing, so that could be related to the crash, especially if it is getting a null reference of some sort. Here’s a screenshot of what I saw on 4.18 Preview 2:
Oh that’s good to know it no longer crashes in the preview 4.18!
The freeze is a little concerning, does it happen even with the screenshot folder deleted? Id be interested to know.
I was expecting a timeout failure since there should be no branches that will pass the test case, and the cast to BP_Hide_Actor should always succeed since we’re running a filter on the array earlier. Or some kind of undefined behavior as Filter Array is returning a empty array we’re calling Get elements 0 on a empty array?
The failure message in the 4.18 screenshot is most curious as the Filter Array should of filtered class of type SeverSide_Pawn before trying to print it? Or does Filter Array return the original array in the case of nothing matching the array?
I apologize for the delay on this but are you still experiencing this issue? If so, please let me know and I’ll continue to investigate. Otherwise I’ll be resolving this question for tracking purposes.