From where to start and how to learn UE 5 as a beginner?

Gosh guys, I don’t know from where to start,really.
I am so confused…
For me it’s hard to stay with something new with learning, but my concentration is so low.
But at the same time I really want to learn this and maybe in some years make my first game.
But don’t know from where to start learning…

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I’ve watched this tutorial,and really Zack was explaning quite understandable.
Then came the part with materials and he started with blueprints…
He went through this chapter so fast,that basically I understood the watcher previously had a reasonanble understanding what each blueprint does.
I coul watch all the way just to the part at around 35 minutes,then I really could not understand blueprints especially because blueprints names are not logic,I had to quit sadly.
This is the tutorial:

So what are your thoughts on how to learn materials,blueprints…
He even mentioned this tutorial is completly for beginners but I don’t agree at all.

Blueprints are so confusing.
How did you learned them?
From where to start?

you’ve already started. just keep going.

do some follow-along tutorials on youtube. then take what you learned and try to make your own project from it. When you can’t figure out a specific problem ask the internet. That’s all. It takes many years to learn.

What you don’t like in the video, are materials, not blueprints.

I know they look very similar, but they are totally different things.

The way to know is, bottom right hand corner

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For a start I want to learn what each BASIC blueprint is used for like constant3vector ,flattenNormal,texturecordinates,multiply node etcc…
And how they work and when to use them.
It’s on the video of link posted at around 1:00:00.
There are a lot of nodes but I want to learn for a start the most used one, how they work,when to use them.

Ok, it’s materials you’re talking about. Not blueprints. This is probably not helping. If you try and google a node, and put ‘blueprint’ instead of ‘material’…

Hmm let me try to explain.
Zack says like "for this we will use “constant3vector”.
He does not give brief explanation of each what it does,assuming a viewer already knows.
So I want to know when and how to use “contant2vector” and many others,and what it does?

Ok, there’s your problem.

All the 3vector and 2vector nodes do, is let you make a vector, which you then plug into something else.

Why would you do this? Because you want to plug a vector into something else, that needs a vector input.

If you want a list of all the times when you would do this, then you’re in for disappointment, because people invent many different and clever ways of using these nodes, there is no way anyone can document that, or say how they would be used ( apart from typical things ).

You basically have to trash around and learn what you can and, eventually, you will discover it’s getting easier. I found those red nodes in materials especially confusing, like


( No, it’s too much to explain here ). But these are subtle nodes, and I don’t think I found ANYONE who explained them properly.

Yes, it would be lovely if there was an ‘unreal manual’, but there isn’t one…

Oh okay,thank you for explanation.
But how do the creators know then for what and when to use each node particulary?
And how it works…all about it.
I see there is like 1000000 nodes :face_exhaling:

They know it, because they just got started and watched a lot of content and read a lot of internet posts…

They stumbled through the bushes until they found a clearing. The more you stumble through the bushes, the more clearings you find. And the more clearings you find, the bigger they get…


Any good place from where to start?

Check post #2 - the entire portal designed around learning. Did you try the one I suggested in that post?

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Somehow missed that post…let me watch it and will report back…Thx.

This turoral is for advanced users, not me :confused:

The tut is for beginners, no? Things do not get easier, sadly. If you’re expecting things explained in even finer detail in a single tut - no dice, no such thing exists afaik.

Maybe find that one small thing that you need to learn and focus on that, rather than trying to learn all the basic nodes - I’ve been doing this for nearly a decade and I keep running into nodes I never knew existed… They keep adding too many features to the engine :smiley: Previous experience helps dramatically, though.

Or pause a vid when things get confusing and research that one element that confused you; only then carry on. Other than that, consider hiring a 1-to-1 tutor:

And make it worth your money.

I believe all other available options have been mentioned already.

And, finally, even though it may sound harsh, programming is not for everyone. UE4 blueprints is a beast even if you have some previous experience. If you have none, and feel utterly overwhelmed, consider having a look at other engines - a lot of the skills and knowledge one picks up will be transferable and provide a point of reference or a cornerstone for further learning.

Or YT UE4 beginner tutorials and start watching, hopefully you’ll run into something that suits you.


I have watched some vids from Unreal Sensei (Like made for beginners).
Hell it was.
The tutorials are made for advanced users because that guy is explaining very fast and in a breeze…and it is not even explaining,he ust is running through it.
Made me give up .
I need your help to find a better yt channel as a beginner for learning.
Let me first learn interface.

Guys please help me, I really want to start learning UE and maybe in some future make my first game.
I watched some tutorials on yt but I really can not follow them…even they are marked for beginners they ALL are for advance users.
I think my learning process should break in sections,starting from interface then maybe blueprints then materials then making landscpaes ,lightning system etc…
But my biggest concern is interface,where is what,from where to get this that…
I need to know that first begore anything.
So please help me with links,vids…
Last night I watched a new video tutorial from Epic Games creating a game and I stopped at around 15 minutes and did not learn anything just because I don’t know the BASICS.

I watched some tutorials on yt but I really can not follow them…
[…] a new video tutorial from Epic Games creating a game and I stopped at around 15 minutes and did not learn anything just because I don’t know the BASICS.

@anonymous_user_974e355f Maybe you’re one of the few for whom the video tuts do not work all that well (they hardly ever do it for me). Have you considered covering the actual documentation? It gives you the chance to progress at your own pace - you can race ahead or take it real slow.

But my biggest concern is interface,where is what,from where to get this that…

There is even a more abstract layer than the interface - imagine someone who, unlike you, does not even understand what an interface is:

It’d would impossible to explain an interface in one clean sweep because the engine is so freaking huge. It’s modular and each module’s interface is vastly different. Working with particles is different from scripting game logic and different from making a material or a behavior tree.

The editor is actually made out of other editors:

So you can pick one and take it for a spin:

Check some of these out and decide if that’s something for you.


Is not that is not working for me.
Guys open one menu which opens 1000 submenus which opens another 100000 subsubmenus.
You get the point.
I do learn mostly from video tutorials and like you said interface is huge.
I must start learning from something but duuno what.
None of the video tutorials for beginners worked for me just because they are not for beginners.
Each of the guys know exactly what do they need which option and from where.
Maybe the only way is to open the app and experiment by myself but would be too stupid.
I know I need to learn some basics but from where and what for a start?