From Blender, back to Blender

Hi. When I import from blender a house with many independent objects, I drag all the object from UE into the level and it assembles and look like it should with all individual meshes in their right position… But now I want export it out of UE, how do I do that so it still have their individual meshes in their right position?

Hey there @Mattis891! Welcome back to the community! This video hoes over a way to export out groups or scenes altogether, though it has some limitations. It’s best for being able to scale your scenes and objects appropriately, but working on games I’d recommend keeping everything modular.

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Thanks alot! It was really hard to find some info about this

No problem! It’s rather unused due to the limitations. I’ve found it can be useful for scale tests and visual checks, but due to not retaining the geometry the exact same, textures, etc, limit my use for it.

Oh. The thing is I want to make the UV in UE since it’s better than blender. And then export to Substance painter

Interesting! I don’t think I’ve met someone that’d prefer the editor utilities for unwrapping over a third party’s support, as Blender has lots of plugins and other . If this is for a game, you can always just reimport your changes, as it’s still recommended to work with meshes separately in engine for a myriad of reasons.

It’s actually an asset pack im creating, Nordic Scans Vol1 was the first one now I do Nordic houses. The thing is I’m fairly new to blender and what modifiers to use and not , so I used solidfier wich made a geometric mess UV wise so unwrapping is very hard for me in blender. But when I use projection in UE it understands my mess up and makes it really nice for me, very high resolution and tight pixels, very crisp. So I just need to get everything out of there without textures only UV data so I can continue in Substance with mesh maps baking and texturing. Next house will be made in blender from start to uv mapped since I know my mistakes now.

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