Frizzy camera effect

Hey there,

i would like to add a frizzy like filter to my FP Camera like from outlast permanentely.

The post process settings didn’t seem to be right for this problem and I don’t know how I can achieve it.

Thank you in advance

Hey nightware!

Try using color grading?

Hope this helps, cheers :slight_smile:

But isn’t that just for the color? I just want to have a frizzy screen like on the screenshot above…It’s like moving particles on the screen somehow. I sadly don’t know the name for that

Ah okay. But thanks anyways. At least I have an idea of how to solve this now

Ooh, didn’t look close enough, sorry. You’ll need make this a post-process material and add some kind of noise texture to it. I don’t even know how to do it… ;D

Hi, if you still need help with this you can just search Grain Jitter and Grain Intensity in your camera’s Postprocess settings.