Friendly Bug Report - Spawn Sound 2D - Manipulating Volume Randomly Breaks

Disclaimer I do not know how to report bugs to Epic-- if anyone can advise on this, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

That being said, I have been having a serious Audio Mixing problem using output Audio Components from the Spawn Sound 2D node.

I updated my music blueprint recently, and then suddenly other identical blueprint code breaks.

I’ve tried every combination of fading in and out, and stopping the audio component using different sound types, but this has not worked. The sound tends to keep playing. Several sources online say that manipulating the Spawn Sound 2D output Audio Component is the ideal method, but this and all other methods have not worked.

Considering that there are only a maximum of 3 sound files playing at one time, I’d say that this is probably a bug and not a multiple spawning issue. I don’t remember having this trouble using the Unreal Engine 4 editor either.

Thank you for reading! Thank you thank you



After 10 minutes it started working just fine, and I didn’t even restart the editor. No changes were made to the code.

Can anyone tell me what is going on?