Fresh project crashes, and cause launcher issue

So i created a new project, exported 1 fbx into this new project (includes grouped fbx with meshes and a trigger box), and then the project just kept on crashing. Additional when i tried to launch a new fresh project the client instead loaded this project repeatedly.

Fix: Delete the crashy project.

If you want the project, have it rared and ready to send you a link.

Hi Unit23,

You mention that you can only load this project each time you try and launch a new project from the launcher, correct?

If so, you may have inadvertently set the option for “Always load last project on startup” from the launchers project browser window. This gets set in one of the INI files in the Engine Folder, but I’ve not been able locate where it’s set just yet.

If you have another project on your computer whether it’s one of the samples created by Epic or yourself you can change this behavior by opening that project. Once it’s opened you can then go to the main menu > Editor Preferences > Loading & Saving > UNCHECK the box for “Load the Most Recently Loaded Project at Startup.” This will fix that issue.

Once you get that resolved, let me know and we can start looking at why your project is crashing on startup.

If you wouldn’t mind going ahead and posting the Crash Logs from the project folder > Saved > Logs.
I’ll also need your call stack window that comes up when the crash happens. Make sure this includes the Epic ID and the Machine ID so I can look up the crash in our Crash Reporter system.

Thank you!
