Currently playing Fortnite campaign “save the world”. it seems to crash about 5-minutes in to the game. there is no description in the bottom box [picture below] so i have no leads on whats wrong. i can say with reasonable certainty that this started more recently or maybe something hitching in the save the world portion, I have played the battle royal mode for weeks and i can think of only a handful of times that it has crashed, mostly from alt+tabbing to many times.
I have tried verifying game files, same problem.
did a fresh install on a separate drive, then separate install onto a Ssd same issue.
games currently on a ssd.
specs: 3770k, 16gig ram, asus saber-tooth 77 board. gtx 980ti, windows 10:1709
all help would be appreciated, normally i wouldnt bother to gripe, but i play with 2 others on lesser systems, who never crash out and its rather annoying.