Frequency of updates to the master branch

It’s a month later now, and testing is still not finished? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean this one: :mad:

1.5 months later, still testing? :frowning:

Seems for me, Epic guys are engaged in many simultaneous AAA projects and contracts. And time is money. And still have to live with internal deadline and several other commitments.
And several individual GitHub commits, simultaneously, it’s a lot to digest for everyone all the time.
I think that not everyone is immediately interested in the same types of improvements.
It’s just my opinion

I’m not sure what you mean here, but if you’re saying the giant commits are somehow better than individual ones… you’ve got to be kidding.


I think @Hevedy touched in the question:
Original Post

They’re just trying to be polite.

Hi all.

While the physical testing is complete, this is in the stage of auditing for security, confidentiality and best practices. Due to our various internal and external commitments, this requires the involvement of legal and executive teams, IT, external partners, and all engineers and developers. I said previously this stage may take some time and that remains true. I don’t have an estimate for when everything may be ready, but I look forward to sharing the results when it is.


I don’t see why this is so complex. It’s still the same content, just uploaded individually instead of clobbered together. Where’s the legal issue?

Still not ready? I really hope you will make “older” commits available too, so not just starting from whenever you make it public, but also at least going back to all individual commits since 4.15.

Almost feels like they don’t want to do this, doesn’t it? People who paid for access to the perforce repo would lose their expensive advantage, so it must be delayed as much as possible.

[MENTION=9]Stephen Ellis[/MENTION] Still nothing? :frowning:

Hey all, Apologies for the long wait here.

This is still something that we’d like to do in the future but don’t have a solid time frame for when we could roll it out. I wish I had better news for you today, but as things progress, we’ll let you know!

Hey [USER=“9”]Stephen Ellis[/USER] and everyone else at Epic, is there any update on this please?

I haven’t asked for half a year or so now, but the situation with this really only got worse.

If you take a look at how long ago Dev-Rendering was merged to the master branch the last time, it was on December 15th!

December of last year! How do you expect anyone to use the “master” branch of UE4 with commits taking that long to get into it? I have a game on Steam, I wan’t to be able to pick individual new commits, specifically rendering optimizations where I very often want to cherry pick some new stuff.
Please finally fix this!


On top of merging huge commits, now there are huge commits without even changelists. Just dump of code, that you have to browser to get bare minimum idea of what it might changed in engine…

Can we at least for foreseeable future get regular merges from different branches into master, to not end up with single commit having 100k lines of code changed in random places ?

The situation is really getting worse in that regard instead of improving ;/

I just want to acknowledge that I’ve seen your posts and have resumed the conversation around this initiative with the appropriate individuals. Since I’m not really involved in this initiative, that’s all I’ve got to add at the moment, but we’ll share more as we can.

All Hands On Fortnite: Battle Royale

Anything not related to Fortnite: BR or some tech showoff piece, Low Pri. I get it though, when you’re rolling in $100 million a month on a game (F:BR) you need to milk it while you can before the next new game topples it.

But it’s a shame it seems like your dedicated user base is getting brushed aside in the process. Steam and/or OSS (gen) improvements? No Epic games will be going on Steam, so that’s not going to happen anytime soon, but 95% of your userbase uses Steam as their #1 Platform to put their games on. I suppose we don’t make you $100 Million a month though ;(. Maybe one day. Maybe one day.

UDN folks, you have higher priority than us little folk… Speak Up For Us…


I just wanted to say that there are new branches on Github. Dev-Core, Dev-Mobile, Dev-Sequencer.

It seems something is going into right direction at the moment.

Thanks for pushing it forwards.

Yes, I also saw that! Very nice, what I’m most waiting for is Dev-Rendering, so once that pops up there I’m very happy.

You guys spotted that before I had the chance to come here and share the good news. Yes, we have begun mirroring our internal development streams on Github. They are tied to a schedule as we integrate with our Main stream right now, but as that happens, more will make their way onto GitHub.
